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Nadia Bousnoune
22, Pénity Saint Laurent


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

We offer a cozy bedroom suitable for a couple, as well as an additional room suitable for a small family. Although the bathroom is shared, our accommodation includes a lovely terrace and garden for your enjoyment.


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extra bed
Notes: included breakfast
Notes: included breakfast




  • Château de Trevarez: Located in Saint-Goazec, about 15 kilometers from Landeleau, this stunning castle is known for its beautiful gardens and French Renaissance architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, walk through the gardens, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Huelgoat Forest: Situated in the town of Huelgoat, approximately 20 kilometers from Landeleau, this ancient forest is famous for its picturesque landscapes and mythical rock formations. Visitors can hike through the forest, discover enchanting waterfalls, and explore the legendary Chaos de Rochers with its giant boulders.
  • Quimper: Located about 40 kilometers southwest of Landeleau, Quimper is a charming city known for its well-preserved medieval center and beautiful gothic cathedral. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, visit the Musée des Beaux-Arts, and admire the traditional Breton architecture.
  • Monts d'Arrée: Situated about 30 kilometers north of Landeleau, the Monts d'Arrée is a mountain range in Brittany, offering breathtaking panoramic views and a rugged landscape. It is a popular destination for hiking and nature enthusiasts, with trails leading to the highest peak, Roc'h Ruz.
  • Locronan: Located approximately 35 kilometers west of Landeleau, Locronan is a picturesque village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Its charming cobbled streets, half-timbered houses, and the Church of Saint-Ronan make it a delightful place to explore and experience the ambiance of a traditional Breton village.
  • Pointe du Raz: Situated about 70 kilometers northwest of Landeleau, Pointe du Raz is a dramatic coastal headland and a designated Grand Site of France. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking coastal walks, observe the powerful Atlantic waves crashing against the cliffs, and take in the stunning panoramic views.
  • Concarneau: Located approximately 65 kilometers south of Landeleau, Concarneau is a fortified town famous for its picturesque old town and stunning beaches. Visitors can explore the Ville Close, a walled medieval town, walk along the harbor, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this coastal gem.
  • Les Enclos Paroissiaux: Scattered throughout the region, the Les Enclos Paroissiaux are a collection of beautifully decorated parish closes. These architectural masterpieces feature intricate calvaries, chapels, and ossuaries, showcasing the rich religious heritage of Brittany. Some notable examples include the Parish Close of Saint-Thégonnec and the Parish Close of Guimiliau.
  • Morlaix: Situated about 50 kilometers northeast of Landeleau, Morlaix is a historic town known for its impressive viaduct and picturesque old quarter. Visitors can explore the medieval streets, visit the 16th-century House of the Duchess Anne, and stroll along the port area. 10. Brest: Located approximately 80 kilometers west of Landeleau, Brest is a vibrant coastal city famous for its maritime history and modern attractions. Visitors can explore the National Maritime Museum, visit the medieval castle of Château de Brest, and enjoy the panoramic views from the city's famous cable car.