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Eric Triboulet
9, Chemin De La Basse Vallerie
Pocé Sur Cisse


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Price per night:

price from €105






Description for B&B:

Located just a short distance from Amboise, in a peaceful village, and following in the footsteps of the renowned jester "TRIBOULET", the Maison de Triboulet warmly welcomes you to its two spacious upstairs bedrooms. The Nutrisco room offers a cozy living area, a convenient office space, an impressive shower with a rain showerhead, separate toilets, and tasteful decor. The Extinguo room boasts its own office space, stylish decoration, private toilets, and a bathroom with a shower. All of our rooms are air-conditioned and furnished with high-quality bedding, while towels and bathrobes are provided for your comfort.

In the morning, enjoy a delicious breakfast featuring homemade delights such as brioche, pastries, jams, cold cuts, cheeses, and fresh fruits. After exploring the nearby Loire castles including Amboise, Chenonceau, Chambord, Le Clos Lucé, and Château Gaillard, as well as the Touraine aquarium and the park of miniature castles, unwind in our beautifully landscaped garden filled with trees and flowers. For those looking for more adventure, the Beauval zoo is just 40 km away.

In the evening, indulge in our table d'hôtes experience with reservations, where our talented chef Eric will prepare regional or seasonal specialties using only the finest local ingredients.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 105 125 15


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  • Château d'Amboise: Located in the nearby town of Amboise, this historic castle was once a residence of French kings. Visitors can explore the stunning architecture, beautifully maintained gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the Loire River.
  • Château de Chenonceau: Situated in Chenonceaux, this iconic castle is known for its unique design, spanning the Cher River. With its elegant arches and intricate details, it is often referred to as the "Ladies' Castle." Visitors can tour the opulent interior and stroll through the picturesque gardens.
  • Château de Chambord: One of the most recognizable castles in the Loire Valley, this grand Renaissance masterpiece is a must-visit. With its distinctive French architecture and vast surrounding parkland, it offers a glimpse into the opulence of French royalty.
  • Clos Lucé: Formerly the residence of Leonardo da Vinci, this charming manor in Amboise showcases the life and works of the renowned artist and inventor. Visitors can explore the rooms where da Vinci lived, discover his inventions, and enjoy the beautiful gardens.
  • Château de Blois: Situated in the city of Blois, this castle boasts a rich history and stunning architecture spanning several centuries. It offers a unique opportunity to admire four different architectural styles, ranging from Gothic to Renaissance, in one place.
  • Villandry Castle and Gardens: Located in Villandry, this castle is famous for its exquisite Renaissance gardens. Visitors can stroll through meticulously manicured flower beds, ornamental vegetable gardens, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding landscape.
  • Château d'Azay-le-Rideau: Set on an island in the Indre River, this picturesque castle showcases a harmonious blend of medieval and Renaissance architectural styles. It is surrounded by a moat and offers guided tours of its elegant interiors.
  • Château de Langeais: Situated in the town of Langeais, this fortress-like castle is a prime example of medieval architecture. Visitors can explore its well-preserved interior, which includes a collection of historical artifacts and furniture.
  • Royal Abbey of Fontevraud: Located near Chinon, this UNESCO World Heritage site is the largest remaining monastic complex in France. Visitors can admire the beautiful abbey church, explore the cloisters, and learn about the intriguing history of the site. 10. Château de Saumur: Overlooking the Loire River, this castle in Saumur showcases a mix of medieval and Renaissance architecture. It now houses the Saumur Castle Museum, which exhibits collections of fine art, weaponry, and equestrian artifacts. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, providing visitors with a glimpse into the rich heritage of the Loire Valley region in France.

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