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Muriel Badache
447 Route Des Ecoles
Plan D Orgon


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Holiday Home 1 100 120 700 800 1


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  • Les Baux-de-Provence (12 km): A picturesque medieval village nestled on a rocky outcrop, Les Baux-de-Provence offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the narrow streets, visit the historic castle ruins, and admire the art in the Carrières de Lumières.
  • Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (15 km): This charming town is known for its rich history and artistic heritage. Visit the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole Monastery, where Vincent Van Gogh was treated, and wander through the vibrant streets lined with boutiques, cafes, and art galleries.
  • Avignon (30 km): Famous for its well-preserved medieval ramparts and the Palais des Papes (Papal Palace), Avignon is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Discover the city's history, visit the Avignon Cathedral, and stroll along the lively Place de l'Horloge.
  • Pont du Gard (40 km): A remarkable Roman aqueduct bridge, the Pont du Gard is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the ancient structure, walk along the riverside trails, and enjoy the scenic beauty of this architectural marvel.
  • Aix-en-Provence (45 km): Known as the "City of a Thousand Fountains," Aix-en-Provence is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. Explore the charming Old Town, visit the Cours Mirabeau, and discover the works of art at the Musée Granet.
  • Marseille (60 km): As the second-largest city in France, Marseille offers a vibrant mix of cultures and attractions. Explore the historic Vieux-Port (Old Port), visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, and indulge in delicious seafood at the local restaurants.
  • Arles (65 km): A city steeped in Roman history, Arles is famous for its well-preserved Roman amphitheater and other ancient ruins. Discover the legacy of Vincent Van Gogh, visit the Espace Van Gogh, and admire the vibrant colors of the city that inspired him.
  • Camargue Natural Regional Park (70 km): A unique and diverse natural park, the Camargue is known for its vast wetlands, salt marshes, and wildlife. Take a scenic drive, spot flamingos and wild horses, and enjoy the tranquility of this stunning natural reserve.
  • Gordes (75 km): Situated in the Luberon region, Gordes is a charming hilltop village with narrow winding streets and stone houses. Explore the medieval castle, visit the Village des Bories, and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Cassis (90 km): Located on the Mediterranean coast, Cassis is a picturesque fishing village known for its stunning beaches and dramatic calanques (narrow inlets with steep cliffs). Take a boat tour to explore the calanques, relax on the beach, and sample the local seafood.