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Champion Patricia
676 route du neufbourg
Bretteville du Grand Caux


1 reviews

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price from €495





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Appréciations pour Gite normand de charme les Châtaigniers 1 chambre, Bretteville du Grand Caux:

Our holiday
Review by: Fred en Patricia de Visser, Sep 4 2014 8:17PM
It's a simple romtantic gite. All the basic needs are present. The owners are very gentil and helpfull. Our dogs were welcome.
We had a fantastic holiday.

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To reach the church in Bretteville du Grand Caux, start by heading towards Renault Auberville. Continue in that direction for 200 meters, then look for a sign on the right indicating Neufbourg. After 400 meters, you will see an entrance on the right with a sign for the Gîte de France.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 120 160 495 985 1


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  • Étretat Cliffs: Located about 10 kilometers from Bretteville du Grand Caux, the Étretat Cliffs are a stunning natural attraction on the Alabaster Coast. These dramatic white chalk cliffs offer breathtaking views and are famous for their iconic arches, including the famous "Porte d'Aval."
  • Le Havre: Situated approximately 25 kilometers away, Le Havre is a vibrant coastal city known for its modern architecture and UNESCO-listed city center. Visitors can explore attractions such as the stunning Saint Joseph's Church, the MuMa art museum, and the picturesque Le Havre Beach.
  • Honfleur: About 40 kilometers from Bretteville du Grand Caux, Honfleur is a charming harbor town renowned for its picturesque old port, colorful buildings, and historic landmarks. Stroll along the cobbled streets, visit the Saint Catherine's Church, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the Vieux-Bassin.
  • Rouen: Located around 70 kilometers away, Rouen is a historic city famous for its medieval architecture and association with Joan of Arc. The city's highlights include the magnificent Rouen Cathedral, the Gros Horloge astronomical clock, and the charming quarter of Rue du Gros-Horloge.
  • Fécamp: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Bretteville du Grand Caux, Fécamp is a coastal town known for its fishing heritage and the impressive Fécamp Abbey. Visitors can explore the abbey, which houses a maritime museum, and enjoy scenic walks along the picturesque harbor.
  • Jumièges Abbey: Located about 50 kilometers away, Jumièges Abbey is a ruined Benedictine monastery that dates back to the 7th century. Visitors can explore the picturesque remains of the abbey, which are set in a beautiful natural setting on the banks of the Seine River.
  • Veules-les-Roses: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Bretteville du Grand Caux, Veules-les-Roses is a charming coastal village known for having the shortest river in France. Visitors can stroll along the idyllic riverfront, admire the thatched-roof cottages, and relax on the sandy beach.
  • Dieppe: Located around 70 kilometers away, Dieppe is a historic seaside town renowned for its maritime heritage and vibrant Saturday market. Visitors can explore the impressive Château de Dieppe, visit the numerous art galleries, and sample delicious seafood at the local restaurants.
  • Bois des Moutiers: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Bretteville du Grand Caux, Bois des Moutiers is a beautiful Arts and Crafts-style garden surrounding an early 20th-century manor house. This tranquil garden features remarkable rhododendrons, azaleas, and other rare plants. 10. Château d'Eu: Located about 60 kilometers away, the Château d'Eu is a grand 16th-century castle that served as a residence for French royalty. Visitors can admire the impressive architecture, explore the beautifully landscaped gardens, and learn about the castle's fascinating history.

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