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Louis et Aline Lacaze
Quartier Arrassets Dessus
Arras en Lavedan


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price from €580






Description for B&B:

Located in a serene and tranquil setting, this charming fold offers a stunning panorama of the Pyrenees to the south. It is the perfect retreat for those seeking peace and tranquility, while still being conveniently located near ski slopes, hiking trails, and renowned attractions such as the Pic du Midi, Gavarnie, and Lourdes. Nature enthusiasts will undoubtedly be captivated by the privileged ambiance of this exceptional location.

Description for Gite

This charming gite offers the perfect retreat for those seeking tranquility and relaxation. Situated in close proximity to both the ski slopes and scenic hiking trails, it also grants easy access to renowned attractions such as the Pic du Midi, Gavarnie, and Lourdes. Nature enthusiasts will find themselves captivated by this stunning and privileged location. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity.


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Holiday Home 1 580 800 GRATUIT


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  • Gavarnie Cirque: Located in the Pyrenees National Park, Gavarnie Cirque is a magnificent natural amphitheater known for its breathtaking waterfalls and towering cliffs. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers stunning hiking trails.
  • Lourdes: Lourdes is a famous Catholic pilgrimage site, attracting millions of visitors each year. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is believed to be where the Virgin Mary appeared to a young girl, and visitors come to seek spiritual healing and take part in religious ceremonies.
  • Pont d'Espagne: Situated in the Pyrenees Mountains, Pont d'Espagne is a picturesque bridge that spans the Marcadau River. It is a starting point for several hiking trails that lead to beautiful waterfalls and scenic landscapes.
  • Cauterets: A charming mountain town in the Pyrenees, Cauterets is renowned for its thermal baths and ski resorts. Visitors can relax in the thermal spas, explore the charming streets lined with traditional architecture, or enjoy outdoor activities such as skiing and hiking.
  • Pic du Midi de Bigorre: Offering panoramic views of the Pyrenees, Pic du Midi de Bigorre is a mountain peak accessible via cable car. At the summit, there is an observatory and a museum where visitors can learn about astronomy and enjoy spectacular views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Château de Mauvezin: Located in the village of Mauvezin, this medieval castle dates back to the 14th century. With its impressive fortifications and well-preserved architecture, the Château de Mauvezin offers a glimpse into the region's history and provides stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Grottes de Bétharram: These underground caves near Lourdes offer a fascinating subterranean adventure. Visitors can explore the network of caves, admire stunning rock formations, and take a boat ride along an underground river.
  • Parc Animalier des Pyrénées: Situated in Argelès-Gazost, this wildlife park allows visitors to observe and learn about various animals found in the Pyrenees region. From bears and wolves to chamois and ibex, the park offers a unique opportunity to get close to these animals in a natural setting.
  • Tarbes: The city of Tarbes is known for its equestrian traditions and is home to the National Stud Farm. Visitors can experience horse shows, explore historical sites such as the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de la Sède, and enjoy the vibrant local culture. 10. Jardin Massey: Located in Tarbes, Jardin Massey is a beautiful public park that features landscaped gardens, colorful flowerbeds, and a variety of exotic plants. It is a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll, picnics, or simply relaxing amidst nature.

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