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Sylvain Guanzini ou Dominique Pepin
Le Vieux Putanges
Putanges Pont Ecrepin



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Description for Gite

The Vieux Putanges Manor is a historic estate that dates back to the year 1200. It consists of a magnificent Master House and a beautifully renovated presbytery, both offering utmost comfort and modern amenities. Situated within the property is a charming lake, perfect for fishing enthusiasts, while horse riding enthusiasts can enjoy scenic rides around the house and through the picturesque countryside.


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(2 pers.)
Holiday Home 1


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  • Bagnoles-de-l'Orne: A charming spa town located just a short drive from Putanges Pont Ecrepin. Bagnoles-de-l'Orne offers picturesque landscapes, a lake, and a casino. Visitors can enjoy strolls through the town, relax at the spa, or try their luck at the casino.
  • Le Pin National Stud Farm: Situated in Le Pin-au-Haras, this prestigious stud farm is a must-visit for horse enthusiasts. The farm is home to beautiful horses and offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the history of horse breeding in the region.
  • Château d'O: Located in Mortrée, this medieval castle is surrounded by a moat and lush greenery. Visitors can explore the castle's grounds and admire its impressive architecture. The castle also hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei: Considered one of the most beautiful villages in France, Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei is nestled in a valley along the Sarthe River. The village features quaint stone houses, a Romanesque church, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks, visit art galleries, and relax in charming cafes.
  • Falaise Castle: Situated in the town of Falaise, this medieval fortress is famous as the birthplace of William the Conqueror. The castle offers guided tours that take visitors through its towers, ramparts, and the Museum of Automata, showcasing a collection of mechanical figures.
  • Alençon: Located approximately 45 minutes away from Putanges Pont Ecrepin, Alençon is known for its beautiful lace production. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Notre-Dame Basilica, which houses the famous Alençon lace museum, or enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Sarthe River.
  • Domfront: A picturesque medieval town perched on a hill overlooking the Varenne River. Domfront is known for its well-preserved fortifications and charming cobblestone streets. Visitors can explore the ruins of the castle, wander through the town's narrow alleys, and enjoy panoramic views from the viewpoint at Place de la Roirie.
  • Souleuvre Viaduct: A stunning bridge located in La Ferrière-Harang, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. The viaduct is also known for its bungee jumping and ziplining activities, providing an adrenaline rush for adventure seekers. 10. Sées Cathedral: Situated in the town of Sées, this magnificent Gothic cathedral dates back to the 13th century. Visitors can admire the cathedral's intricate architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and explore the peaceful atmosphere within its walls.

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