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Contact Details:


Viviane Zorgati
via palazzina, 28
Arquà Petrarca


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Price per night:

price from €60


+39 0429776098


+39 335 6524892


Description for B&B:

Welcome to "Chez Vivì," a charming country house nestled in the lush greenery of the Natural Colli Euganei Park. Located in the medieval village of Arquà Petrarca, our B&B is in close proximity to the renowned Abano Terme, a popular spa center in Europe, as well as the captivating cities of Venice, Verona, Ferrara, Bologna, Vicenza, Treviso, and Mantova, each just an hour's drive away.

Arquà Petrarca is proud to be a member of "The Ancient Villages of Italy," a prestigious network of medieval villages. Since 2005, "Chez Vivì" has been recognized as part of the esteemed "B&B Around Italy," a top-class Italian chain.

Experience tranquility and relaxation at our B&B. The noise of passing cars becomes nothing more than a passing curiosity, allowing you to fully embrace silence and rest.

Feel at home with our warm and welcoming atmosphere. Join us for family-style meals, where we indulge in delicious food and sip on our finest wines. In the summer, enjoy our inviting pool, and during the winter, gather around the fireplace for cozy moments.

Uncover the wonders of our region with an array of activities. Take a trip to Palladios Venetian villas, embark on a historical boat journey through the enchanting Venice Laguna channels, explore the ancient town surrounded by imposing walls, or indulge in a gourmet adventure, sampling wine and savoring authentic cuisine at the local "Osterie."

What are you waiting for? We are here to guide you on how and where to make the most of your stay.


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If you are traveling from the Padova-Bologna Motorway, take the exit at either the "Terme Euganee" or "Monselice" tollbooths. Follow the signs for ARQUA PETRARCA. Once you reach the village of Arquà Petrarca, look out for our signs that will guide you to our B&B.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 120 25 OUI
(3 pers.)
1 75 140 25 OUI
Apartment 1 120 160 25 OUI
Holiday Home 4 400 600 NON


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted