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Anne et Didier Ludmann
12 Rue Raymond Poincaré
Vigneulles les Hattonchatel


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Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

Prepare to be enchanted by the captivating allure of this nineteenth-century castle, known as Baron Gillet Renommière. Like us, you will be captivated by the rich history left behind by its former owner, a distinguished lawyer, writer, and poet. Since 1824, this magnificent estate has witnessed the passage of numerous families, including some of great renown. It served as a haven for various military units during the tumultuous wars that indelibly shaped the region of Lorraine, particularly the department of Meuse. Our ambitious endeavor to establish cozy cottages amidst the picturesque Cotes de Meuse finds its perfect setting within this profound tapestry of regional heritage. With utmost dedication, we have meticulously transformed three splendid rooms within this historically-charged property. Following two years of meticulous restoration, we eagerly await the opportunity to welcome you to our enchanting abode, confident that its charm will captivate your heart.


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  • Hattonchâtel Castle: Located just a few minutes away, Hattonchâtel Castle is a picturesque medieval fortress that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. It features well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and a charming village.
  • Verdun Memorial: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Vigneulles les Hattonchatel, the Verdun Memorial is a significant World War I memorial and museum. It commemorates the Battle of Verdun and provides a comprehensive insight into the history and impact of the war.
  • Douaumont Ossuary: Another notable World War I memorial, the Douaumont Ossuary is a somber tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives during the Battle of Verdun. The ossuary holds the remains of over 130,000 unidentified soldiers and offers a powerful reminder of the war's devastation.
  • Lake Madine: About 20 kilometers away, Lake Madine is a large artificial lake surrounded by picturesque landscapes. It offers various water activities such as sailing, fishing, and swimming, as well as hiking trails and picnic areas for visitors to enjoy.
  • Saint-Mihiel American Cemetery: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Vigneulles les Hattonchatel, the Saint-Mihiel American Cemetery is a serene burial ground for American soldiers who fought in World War I. Visitors can pay their respects and explore the peaceful memorial site.
  • Saint-Mihiel Salient: This historical site is a former World War I battlefield where American troops played a significant role in the liberation of the region. Visitors can follow the trails, visit the preserved trenches, and learn about the events that took place during the war.
  • Lac de Madine Golf Club: Situated near Lake Madine, this golf club offers a scenic 18-hole golf course surrounded by natural beauty. Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round of golf while admiring the tranquil surroundings.
  • Château de Thillombois: Located around 25 kilometers away, the Château de Thillombois is a magnificent Renaissance castle surrounded by a moat. Visitors can explore the castle's grounds, gardens, and interior, which showcases period furnishings and artwork.
  • Tranchée de la Soif: A short drive from Vigneulles les Hattonchatel, Tranchée de la Soif is a reconstructed World War I trench system. It provides an immersive experience, allowing visitors to step back in time and gain insight into the harsh conditions endured by soldiers during the war. 10. Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery is the final resting place for over 14,000 American soldiers who fought in World War I. It is a solemn and beautiful memorial site that honors the sacrifice of these soldiers. These tourist attractions near Vigneulles les Hattonchatel offer a combination of historical significance, natural beauty, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of activities to explore.