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Jean louis Mentrel
5 Place de la Mairie
Champ le Duc



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price from €340




Description for B&B:

Our cozy home showcases the abundant use of wood, a widely used material in the beautiful Vosges region. To enhance the ambiance, we have carefully installed a delightful stove that ensures cozy and warm evenings. You'll be pleased to know that we offer complimentary wood, allowing you to enjoy its comforting warmth without any additional cost.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming house where we embrace the beauty of wood, a prevalent material in the Vosges region. To enhance your evenings, we have thoughtfully installed a delightful stove that will envelop you in warmth. The best part? We provide an ample supply of wood at no extra cost. This idyllic retreat offers an ideal setting for creating unforgettable memories with your loved ones, as there is an abundance of exciting activities within a 25-kilometer radius.


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Holiday Home 1 340 570


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  • Vittel Spa - Located approximately 12 km away from Champ le Duc, Vittel Spa is a renowned spa and wellness center. Visitors can enjoy a range of treatments and therapies, including hydrotherapy, massages, and thermal baths, all aimed at relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Château de Lafauche - Situated around 15 km from Champ le Duc, Château de Lafauche is a beautiful castle dating back to the 16th century. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its impressive architecture, stunning gardens, and learn about its rich history.
  • Musée de la Lutherie et de l'Archèterie Française - Located in Mirecourt, about 20 km away from Champ le Duc, this museum is dedicated to the art of violin and bow making. Visitors can discover the craftsmanship involved in creating these musical instruments and learn about the history of violin making in France.
  • Épinal - A picturesque town situated approximately 25 km from Champ le Duc, Épinal is known for its historic charm and stunning natural surroundings. Visitors can explore the town's medieval architecture, visit the famous Épinal Image Museum, and enjoy leisurely walks along the Moselle River.
  • Vosges Mountains - The Vosges Mountains, located around 30 km from Champ le Duc, offer breathtaking natural beauty and outdoor recreational activities. Visitors can hike along scenic trails, go cycling, or simply enjoy the panoramic views of the mountain range.
  • Gerardmer Lake - Situated approximately 35 km away from Champ le Duc, Gerardmer Lake is a popular tourist destination. The lake offers opportunities for swimming, boating, and fishing, while the surrounding area provides hiking trails and breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
  • La Grande Cascade - Located in Tendon, about 40 km from Champ le Duc, La Grande Cascade is a stunning waterfall nestled in the heart of the Vosges Mountains. Visitors can admire the cascading waters and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the surrounding forest.
  • Fort de Bourlémont - Situated approximately 45 km away from Champ le Duc, Fort de Bourlémont is a well-preserved fortress dating back to the 19th century. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground tunnels, artillery batteries, and learn about the fort's military history.
  • Nancy - A vibrant city located around 80 km from Champ le Duc, Nancy is known for its beautiful architecture, particularly the UNESCO-listed Place Stanislas. Visitors can explore the city's historic center, visit the Nancy Museum of Fine Arts, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the city's restaurants and cafés. 10. Strasbourg - Located approximately 175 km away from Champ le Duc, Strasbourg is the capital city of the Alsace region. Visitors can explore the city's historic center, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and admire its stunning cathedral, picturesque canals, and charming half-timbered houses. The city also hosts the European Parliament and offers a unique blend of French and German influences.

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