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Contact Details:


Christiane Frederick
209 Rue du Cacheret
Tourville Sur Sienne



1 reviews

Price per week:

price from €260




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Description for B&B:

This inviting room offers a private entrance and designated parking for your convenience, comfortably accommodating 2 to 4 guests. Inside, you will find a cozy living room complete with a sofa and plasma TV, a fully equipped kitchen, and reliable WIFI. The room also features a connected bathroom and toilet, as well as a charming small balcony. Additionally, we offer the option to have breakfast served directly to your apartment.

Description for Gite

This gite is conveniently situated in the heart of various renowned tourist destinations, including Mont St Michel, the city of the sea in Cherbourg, and the historic landing beaches, all within an hour's reach. Additionally, it offers the opportunity to explore the captivating islands of Guernsey and Chausey.


Appréciations pour Gite Le Cacheret, Tourville Sur Sienne:

A recommander
Review by: Gaudemont Gerard, Jan 5 2014 5:21PM
Ayant décidé ma compagne et moi de passer les fêtes de fin d'année loin de la Belgique nous avions fixé notre choix sur ce studio qui correspondait le mieux à ce que nous cherchions . Au vu des photos , le bâtiment était récent , propre , bien équipé et situé dans une région proche des endroits que nous souhaitions visiter . Nous ne fûmes pas déçus et si nous devions revenir à la bonne saison dans le Cotentin , je ne chercherais pas d'autre hébergement , ce fut parfait . L'accueil est très chaleureux, l'endroit est très calme , les équipements très propres et récents ( lave-vaisselle, machine à laver, four ,frigo, etc) et les pôles d'attraction ( Saint-Malo, Cherbourg, plages du débarquement, Mont-Saint-Michel , etc ...) sont situés dans rayon raisonnable et très accessible sur des routes en parfait état . Ce fut un séjour enrichissant et très reposant que je recommanderais à quiconque souhaite découvrir le beau pays normand.

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To reach Coutances by train, take Highway 84.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Tarif selon saison.
Notes: Moyenne Saison (avril à juin et septembre 290 autres mois 260




  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located about 44 kilometers from Tourville Sur Sienne, Mont Saint-Michel is an awe-inspiring medieval abbey situated on a rocky island. It is one of the most iconic tourist attractions in France, known for its stunning architecture and picturesque views.
  • D-Day Landing Beaches: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Tourville Sur Sienne, the D-Day Landing Beaches are a series of historic sites along the Normandy coast. These beaches witnessed the famous Allied invasion during World War II and now serve as a memorial to the soldiers who fought and lost their lives in the battle.
  • Bayeux Tapestry: About 90 kilometers away, the Bayeux Tapestry is a remarkable piece of medieval artwork depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. Visitors can explore this 70-meter-long embroidered cloth, which is displayed in the Bayeux Museum.
  • Sainte-Mère-Église: Situated around 80 kilometers from Tourville Sur Sienne, Sainte-Mère-Église is a charming village famous for its connection to the D-Day operations. The town's church square features a memorial honoring American paratrooper John Steele, whose parachute got caught on the church steeple during the invasion.
  • Granville: Located just 15 kilometers away, Granville is a picturesque coastal town known for its beautiful beaches and historic architecture. Visitors can explore the old town, visit the Christian Dior Museum, or take a stroll along the scenic promenade.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Coutances: Situated about 20 kilometers from Tourville Sur Sienne, Jardin des Plantes de Coutances is a stunning botanical garden. It features a variety of plants, flowers, and well-manicured landscapes, providing a tranquil and scenic escape for nature lovers.
  • Cité de la Mer: Located around 60 kilometers away in Cherbourg, Cité de la Mer is a fascinating maritime museum. It offers interactive exhibits, including a visit to a decommissioned nuclear submarine, aquariums showcasing marine life, and displays on underwater exploration.
  • Château de Pirou: Situated roughly 30 kilometers from Tourville Sur Sienne, Château de Pirou is a well-preserved medieval castle. Visitors can explore its towers, courtyards, and gardens, gaining insight into the history of the region.
  • Pointe du Hoc: Located about 80 kilometers away, Pointe du Hoc is a cliff-top promontory that played a significant role in the D-Day landings. It is now a memorial site, offering panoramic views of the surrounding area and remnants of German bunkers. 10. Musée Christian Dior: Situated in Granville, about 15 kilometers away, the Musée Christian Dior is a museum dedicated to the life and work of renowned fashion designer Christian Dior. Visitors can explore his childhood home, which showcases his designs and provides insight into his creative process. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for tourists visiting Tourville Sur Sienne.