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Muriel Diers
32 Rue Foch


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Price per night:

price from €75




Description for B&B:

Experience the ultimate comfort at Maison des Sources, where you can indulge in our five luxurious guest rooms. Each room is thoughtfully furnished with modern amenities including a coffee maker, kettle, and a flat screen TV. Moreover, for your convenience, we offer a microwave to effortlessly heat your meals to perfection.


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* If you are traveling from Lille, follow the A25 motorway towards Dunkerque. Take exit 13 and follow the signs for Steenvoorde. Once you arrive in Cassel, head towards the square, and you will find the hotel on the left before reaching the square.
* If you are coming from Dunkerque, take the A25 motorway towards Lille. At exit 13, follow the signs for Steenvoorde. Upon reaching Cassel, take the direction of the square, and you will find the hotel on the left before the square.
* For those traveling from Paris, take the A1 motorway towards Lille. Once you reach Lille, switch to the A25 motorway towards Armentieres and Dunkirk. Take exit 13 and follow the signs for Steenvoorde. Upon arriving in Cassel, head towards the square, and the hotel will be on the left before reaching the square.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 oui
(3 pers.)
3 89 oui


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Cassel Hill: Located just steps away from Rue Foch, Cassel Hill is the main attraction in the town of Cassel. This historic hill offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is home to the iconic Cassel Windmill.
  • Cassel Museum of Flanders: Situated within a charming 18th-century townhouse, the Cassel Museum of Flanders showcases the rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions of the region. Visitors can explore an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts.
  • Saint Nicolas Church: Found in the heart of Cassel, Saint Nicolas Church is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. This magnificent church dates back to the 16th century and features intricate stained glass windows and a beautiful interior.
  • Mont des Récollets: Located just a short distance from Cassel, Mont des Récollets is a natural area known for its scenic beauty and tranquil atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks, picnics, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Museum of the Battle of Dunkirk: Situated in nearby Dunkirk, this museum commemorates the famous Battle of Dunkirk during World War II. It offers a comprehensive exhibition, including artifacts, photographs, and personal accounts, providing insight into the historic event.
  • La Coupole: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Cassel, La Coupole is a massive World War II bunker that has been converted into a museum. It offers a captivating exhibition on the V-2 rocket program and the war's impact on the region.
  • Belfry of Dunkirk: The Belfry of Dunkirk, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a prominent landmark in the nearby city of Dunkirk. This medieval tower offers stunning views of the city and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Plopsaland De Panne: Located around 30 kilometers away, Plopsaland De Panne is a popular theme park suitable for families. It features a variety of rides, shows, and attractions based on beloved children's characters, providing a fun-filled day for visitors of all ages.
  • Bergues: Just a short drive from Cassel, the charming town of Bergues offers a picturesque setting with well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the town's historic center, stroll along its ramparts, and visit the famous Saint Winoc Abbey. 10. Flemish Coast: Approximately 40 kilometers from Cassel, the Flemish Coast is a beautiful stretch of coastline known for its sandy beaches, charming seaside towns, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can relax on the beach, enjoy water sports, or explore the coastal villages.

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