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Noella Eberhard
La Coudraie



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €385






Description for B&B:

The bedrooms at La Forge de la Coudraie are both cozy and tastefully furnished. There is a double bedroom on the ground floor, while upstairs there are two bedrooms that can accommodate four people. Each bedroom is equipped with its own private bathroom and toilet facilities. In addition to the charming stone-built house, guests can also enjoy a beautiful garden and a spacious, sunny terrace.


Appréciations pour La Forge de la Coudraie, Pleugueneuc:

La Forge de la Coudraie
Review by: CIERQ, Juin 10 2015 9:05AM
C'est la maison aux mille pierres façonnées, aux mille âmes, aux mille chats. Il y règne une douceur respectueuse, une espièglerie nonchalante.C'est le petit château de Noëlla, la maîtresse des lieux, la petite fée de ce délicieux royaume.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 385 385 20 oui
(3 pers.)
2 95 95 20 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located about 35 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey is situated on a rocky island and offers stunning views of the surrounding bay.
  • Rennes: The capital city of Brittany, Rennes is approximately 30 kilometers from Pleugueneuc. It boasts a rich history, with a beautiful historic center featuring half-timbered houses, the Rennes Cathedral, and the Parc du Thabor, a stunning public garden.
  • Saint-Malo: Situated about 40 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Saint-Malo is a charming walled city known for its picturesque old town and sandy beaches. Visitors can explore the ancient ramparts, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, or take a boat trip to the nearby islands.
  • Dinan: Located around 15 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Dinan is a well-preserved medieval town with cobbled streets and timber-framed houses. The town is famous for its 13th-century castle, the Château de Dinan, and its charming port area along the River Rance.
  • Combourg Castle: Situated in the town of Combourg, just a few kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Combourg Castle is an impressive medieval fortress surrounded by a lake and picturesque gardens. It is famously associated with the renowned French writer François-René de Chateaubriand.
  • Cobac Parc: Located in Lanhélin, around 10 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Cobac Parc is an amusement park suitable for families. It offers various attractions such as roller coasters, water slides, mini-golf, and a petting zoo.
  • Dol-de-Bretagne: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Dol-de-Bretagne is a charming town with a rich architectural heritage. Visitors can explore the Dol Cathedral, stroll through the historic center, and visit the famous Menhir du Champ-Dolent, the largest standing stone in Brittany.
  • Château de Fougères: Located in the town of Fougères, about 40 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, this medieval fortress is one of the largest and best-preserved castles in Europe. It offers a fascinating journey through history, with impressive ramparts, towers, and a museum.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated about 70 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Cap Fréhel is a stunning headland known for its dramatic cliffs and breathtaking coastal views. Visitors can enjoy scenic walks along the cliffs, explore the lighthouse, and observe seabirds nesting in the area. 10. Dinard: Located across the Rance River from Saint-Malo, approximately 50 kilometers from Pleugueneuc, Dinard is a popular seaside resort known for its Belle Époque architecture and beautiful sandy beaches. The town offers a charming promenade, vibrant markets, and a casino for entertainment.

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