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Fabienne Sautou
986 Chemin de la Navarre
La Crau


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price from €650





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Description for B&B:

The Domaine de la Marseillaise is an enchanting biodynamic farm situated between the hills and a river, just 15kms away from the sea. It offers a serene and balanced environment where life flourishes in all its magnificent forms. If you are seeking tranquility and inner harmony, this place holds the answers you seek. For ultimate relaxation of both body and mind, indulge in the pool, explore the garden, take leisurely strolls by the river, or immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of the artist studio, café terrace, and the charming village of Solliès City (only 10 kms away). Additionally, Bormes les Mimosas (20 kms), St Tropez and Ramatuelle (50 kms), Collobrières (20 kms), as well as the vibrant cities of Toulon and Hyères eagerly await your visit, offering endless opportunities for exploration.

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extra bed
Apartment 1 75 650


Swimming Pool
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  • Parc National des Calanques: Located in Marseille, about 90 kilometers from La Crau, this national park offers stunning limestone cliffs, hidden coves, and crystal-clear water. Visitors can hike along the trails, go for a boat ride, or simply relax and enjoy the breathtaking views.
  • Toulon Old Town: Situated in the nearby city of Toulon, the Old Town is a charming area filled with narrow streets, colorful buildings, and historic sites. Visitors can explore the Place de la Liberté, visit the Toulon Cathedral, or enjoy a stroll along the vibrant harbor.
  • Hyères: Just a short drive from La Crau, Hyères is a picturesque town known for its beautiful beaches and palm-lined streets. Visitors can explore the medieval old town, visit the Villa Noailles art center, or relax on the sandy shores of Hyères' various beaches.
  • Giens Peninsula: Located near Hyères, the Giens Peninsula is a natural paradise with stunning landscapes. Visitors can enjoy water activities like snorkeling and scuba diving, hike along the coastal trails, or simply soak up the sun on the peninsula's pristine beaches.
  • Saint-Tropez: Situated approximately 60 kilometers from La Crau, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous coastal town famous for its luxury yachts, vibrant nightlife, and sandy beaches. Visitors can explore the charming Old Town, visit the iconic Saint-Tropez Harbor, or relax on the popular Pampelonne Beach.
  • Porquerolles Island: Accessible by boat from Hyères, Porquerolles Island is a hidden gem with unspoiled beaches, clear waters, and lush vegetation. Visitors can rent bicycles to explore the island, relax on the pristine beaches, or enjoy a picnic surrounded by the island's natural beauty.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Located about 90 kilometers from La Crau, Aix-en-Provence is a vibrant city known for its charming streets, historical buildings, and artistic heritage. Visitors can wander through the Cours Mirabeau, visit the impressive Saint-Sauveur Cathedral, or explore the numerous art galleries and museums.
  • Cassis: Situated approximately 100 kilometers from La Crau, Cassis is a picturesque fishing village nestled between stunning cliffs and the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take a boat tour to explore the famous Calanques, wander through the colorful harbor area, or enjoy local seafood in one of the waterfront restaurants. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and outdoor activities to historical sites and cultural exploration, providing something for every type of traveler near La Crau, France.

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