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Christine Bosson
Les Sometys



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

This chalet, constructed in 2007, embodies the authentic Savoyard style and offers utmost comfort, tranquility, and harmony. Experience a delightful culinary journey with the owner's homemade dishes crafted from fresh ingredients sourced from the garden and local produce. In winter, savor these delectable meals around a cozy fireplace, while in summer, enjoy the beautiful evenings in the garden. The chalet also provides numerous opportunities for mountain and nature activities, whether you prefer to explore independently or with experienced mountain professionals.


Appréciations pour La Perseverance, Onnion:

Séjour à la Persévérance
Review by: Pierre, Johnny, Laurent et François, Aou 8 2011 1:44PM
Un fort bel accueil dans un lieu magnifique. Une hôtesse très sympa qui propose des produits du terroir de qualité. Tout est parfait. Une halte bienvenue pour 4 cyclistes fatigués. On rêve d'y retourner. Merci à Christine.

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To reach your destination, follow these travel directions: Start from Annemasse and head towards Viuz en Sallaz. From there, continue towards St. Jeoire and then proceed towards Onnion. Once in Viuz en Sallaz, take the management road towards Mieussy. Before reaching Mieussy, you will come across a small road on the right called MEGEVETTE. Follow this road, passing through Quincy and St. Denis.



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extra bed
Notes: table d'hote 22




  • Cirque du Fer-à-Cheval: Located approximately 20 kilometers away, Cirque du Fer-à-Cheval is a stunning natural amphitheater in the French Alps. It is renowned for its towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and beautiful hiking trails, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • Lake Geneva (Lac Léman): Situated around 35 kilometers from Les Sometys, Lake Geneva is one of the largest lakes in Western Europe. With its crystal-clear waters and picturesque surroundings, visitors can indulge in various water activities, such as sailing, swimming, and paddleboarding. The lakeside towns of Evian-les-Bains and Thonon-les-Bains offer charming promenades, historical sites, and cultural attractions.
  • Annecy: Located approximately 50 kilometers away, the city of Annecy is often referred to as the "Venice of the Alps" due to its scenic canals and charming old town. Visitors can explore the medieval Château d'Annecy, stroll along the canals, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city. The stunning Lake Annecy is also a must-visit, offering opportunities for watersports, boat tours, and lakeside picnics.
  • Mont Blanc: Situated around 80 kilometers from Les Sometys, Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps and Western Europe. Adventure seekers can take part in mountaineering, hiking, and skiing activities in this breathtaking alpine environment. The picturesque towns of Chamonix and Megève, nestled at the base of Mont Blanc, offer a range of facilities, including cable cars, ski resorts, and upscale shopping.
  • Yvoire: Located roughly 35 kilometers away, the medieval village of Yvoire is nestled on the shores of Lake Geneva. Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, narrow streets, and colorful flower displays, Yvoire is a delightful place to explore. Visitors can wander through the charming streets, admire the medieval castle and gardens, and enjoy local cuisine in the village's restaurants and cafes.
  • Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval: Situated around 25 kilometers from Les Sometys, Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval is a picturesque village known for its stunning natural beauty. It is surrounded by the impressive walls of the Cirque du Fer-à-Cheval, featuring numerous waterfalls and hiking trails. Visitors can enjoy scenic walks, picnic spots, and the peaceful ambiance of this idyllic alpine setting.
  • Geneva: Located approximately 50 kilometers away, Geneva is a cosmopolitan city renowned for its international diplomacy and stunning lakeside setting. Visitors can explore the historic Old Town, visit iconic landmarks like Jet d'Eau, and enjoy world-class museums such as the Red Cross Museum and the United Nations Office. Geneva also offers a vibrant culinary scene, luxury shopping, and beautiful parks and gardens. These attractions near Les Sometys provide a diverse range of natural, cultural, and historical experiences for visitors to enjoy.

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