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Trouchet Laurence
118 la Bastide Neuve


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Price per night:

price from €429






Description for B&B:

This ground floor unit features two bedrooms, each with its own separate entrance. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom and WC. It is an ideal accommodation option for a couple. The first room offers a comfortable bed measuring 140x190, while the second bedroom provides the option of either two single beds (90x200) or a spacious bed measuring 180x200.


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From the Lake of Drain, head towards Ansouis for 5 kilometers. Then, continue on for another 5 kilometers to reach Pertuis. From Pertuis, travel 5 kilometers to Aix en Provence, and finally, continue for an additional 20 kilometers.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 429 429 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Château d'Ansouis: Located in the village of Ansouis, this medieval fortress offers stunning views of the Luberon Valley. Explore its well-preserved architecture and visit the beautiful gardens surrounding the château.
  • Étang de la Bonde: A picturesque lake located just a short distance from Ansouis. Enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking in this tranquil natural setting. The lake also offers pedal boats and fishing opportunities.
  • Lourmarin: A charming village known for its narrow streets, colorful houses, and lively markets. Visit the Renaissance castle, browse through boutique shops, and savor the local cuisine at the village's restaurants and cafés.
  • Abbaye de Silvacane: Situated near the village of La Roque-d'Anthéron, this Cistercian abbey is an architectural gem. Admire the intricate Gothic style and serene atmosphere as you explore the abbey's cloisters, chapter house, and church.
  • Gorges du Régalon: A natural wonder located close to Ansouis, these limestone cliffs offer breathtaking hiking trails and stunning views. Discover the hidden caves, rock formations, and waterfalls as you explore this beautiful canyon.
  • Château de Lourmarin: A Renaissance castle located in the village of Lourmarin. This historic monument houses an art center and a museum showcasing the works of Albert Camus, a renowned French writer. Take a guided tour to learn about the castle's rich history.
  • Fontaine de Vaucluse: A scenic village famous for its impressive spring, which is one of the biggest in the world. Explore the source of the Sorgue River, visit the museum dedicated to Petrarch, and enjoy the charming streets lined with cafés and shops.
  • Colorado Provençal: Located in Rustrel, this natural site offers a unique landscape resembling the American Southwest. Hike through the ochre-colored trails, explore the former mining quarries, and marvel at the vibrant cliffs and canyons.
  • Château de Lacoste: Situated in the village of Lacoste, this castle was once owned by the infamous Marquis de Sade. Visit the castle ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the Luberon Valley. The village also hosts the annual Festival de Lacoste, featuring performances and art exhibitions. 10. Village des Bories: A traditional Provençal village near Gordes, known for its stone huts called "bories." Wander through this open-air museum to see the well-preserved dry stone constructions and learn about the rural life of the region. These attractions are within reasonable proximity to 118 la Bastide Neuve and offer a diverse range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences for tourists to enjoy.

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