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Corine Raspail
Ferme Le Grand Ubac 1700, chemin du Pègue
Roche St Secret Béconne


1 reviews

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price from €257





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Description for Gite

Located in the charming town of ST ROCK SECRET in the southern region of the Drôme, this historic farm has been in the RASPAIL family for over 400 years. Continuing the proud family tradition, Corine has recently settled in the Grand Ubac Farm, nestled in the heart of the picturesque Drôme Provençale. Since April 2, 1994, Corine has warmly welcomed guests to experience the beauty of this exceptional site. Surrounded by the breathtaking Lance mountains, just 500 meters away, the Farm Grand Ubac is a traditional Provencal farmhouse that welcomes visitors from April 1 to October 31. With its genuine simplicity and authentic atmosphere, it offers a perfect retreat to discover the captivating climate and picturesque landscapes of the region.


Appréciations pour Ferme Le Grand Ubac, Roche St Secret Béconne:

Review by: BARBIER, Aou 6 2017 6:51PM
Nous étions déjà amoureux de la région. Nous le sommes encore plus après avoir séjourné dans ce gîte.
La rusticité du lieu, la douceur du paysage, le confort proposé sont en accord avec l'accueil que nous avons eu.
Nous avons rencontré la gentillesse et les échanges amicaux ont contribué au plaisir que nous avons eu pendant ces 3 semaines rapidement passées.
Nous étions bien chez Madame Raspail.
Patrick et Marie-Andrée

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Take the Montelimar south exit on the highway and head towards Dieulefit. Follow D538 until you reach the Roche St Secret.



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  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: A truly unique attraction, this masterpiece of outsider art is the creation of a French postman named Ferdinand Cheval. The Palais Idéal is a whimsical and intricate structure built entirely by hand, showcasing a blend of various architectural styles.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: Step back in time as you explore the ancient Roman ruins in Vaison-la-Romaine. Discover the well-preserved Roman theater, walk through the ruins of the ancient city, and visit the archaeological museum to learn about the area's rich history.
  • Nyons: Known as the "Olive Capital," Nyons is a charming Provençal town nestled amidst rolling hills and olive groves. Stroll through the narrow streets, visit the olive oil mills, and explore the local markets to sample delicious regional products.
  • Les Gorges de l'Ardèche: Just a short drive away, you can experience the breathtaking beauty of the Ardèche Gorges. Hire a canoe or kayak to paddle down the river, passing by stunning limestone cliffs, natural arches, and the famous Pont d'Arc.
  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: This medieval castle, located in the village of Suze-la-Rousse, is now home to the Wine University and a renowned wine museum. Explore the castle's towers and courtyards, and learn about the fascinating history of winemaking in the region.
  • Pont du Gard: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct that spans the Gardon River. Admire the impressive engineering and marvel at the architectural beauty of this well-preserved structure.
  • Grignan les Adhémar: This picturesque village, known for its medieval charm, offers stunning views of the surrounding lavender fields and vineyards. Explore the narrow streets lined with colorful houses, visit the 12th-century castle, and enjoy the local cuisine. 10. Mont Ventoux: For outdoor enthusiasts, Mont Ventoux is a popular destination for hiking, cycling, and enjoying panoramic views. Known as the "Giant of Provence," this mountain offers challenging trails, diverse flora, and a sense of adventure. Note: It is advisable to check the opening hours and availability of attractions before planning your visit, as some may have seasonal or limited schedules.

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