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Sabine Crouzet
33 Rue des Lauriers Roses


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Price per night:

price from €60






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You can meet me at the parking lot of Auchan shopping center, which is just a 5-minute drive from the house.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 75 420 525




  • Mont Saint-Clair: Located in Sete, Mont Saint-Clair is a picturesque hill offering panoramic views of the city, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Etang de Thau. It is a great spot for hiking and enjoying beautiful sunsets.
  • Sete's Canals: Sete is often referred to as the "Venice of Languedoc" due to its network of canals. Take a boat tour or explore the canals on foot to admire the colorful fishing boats, historic buildings, and lively atmosphere.
  • Musee Paul Valery: Situated on the edge of Mont Saint-Clair, Musee Paul Valery showcases the life and works of the famous French poet Paul Valery. The museum also offers stunning views of the surrounding area.
  • Fort Saint-Pierre: This historic fortress is located on a small island in the harbor of Sete. Explore the fort's ramparts, visit the small museum inside, and enjoy the views of the city and the sea.
  • Theatre de la Mer: Known for its unique open-air setting, the Theatre de la Mer hosts various cultural events and concerts during the summer months. It is located on the waterfront, providing a stunning backdrop for performances.
  • La Pointe Courte: This charming neighborhood in Sete is famous for its traditional fishing village atmosphere. Stroll through the narrow streets, admire the colorful houses, and experience the authentic local lifestyle.
  • Les Joutes Languedociennes: If you happen to visit Sete during the summer, don't miss the opportunity to witness the traditional Languedoc-style jousting tournaments. Watch as participants on boats try to knock each other off using long poles.
  • Espace Georges Brassens: Dedicated to the renowned French singer-songwriter Georges Brassens, this museum showcases his life, music, and personal belongings. It is housed in a beautiful villa surrounded by a lovely garden.
  • Saint-Louis Church: Located in the heart of Sete, Saint-Louis Church is a stunning example of Neo-Gothic architecture. Step inside to admire the beautiful stained glass windows and intricate details. 10. Etang de Thau: While not directly in Sete, the Etang de Thau is a large saltwater lagoon located nearby. Famous for its oyster and mussel farms, the area offers scenic views, seafood tastings, and boat tours.

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