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Corinne Lelasseux
13 Rue De La Pradelle


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Price per night:

price from €70





Description for B&B:

Corinne and Fabien warmly invite you to stay at "Au clos du Célé" for your vacation or business travels. Our establishment boasts four comfortable guest rooms equipped with modern amenities. Additionally, we are fluent in English to cater to international guests. Situated near the Way of Saint Jacques de Compostela, we provide a convenient transportation service for Pilgrims who wish to visit and rest with us. This service enables us to assist you in navigating between Decazeville and Figeac (refer to the last photo of the presentation slideshow above).


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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 70 90 350 490


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Grotte du Pech Merle: Located about 20 km from Bagnac-sur-célé, this prehistoric cave is famous for its well-preserved cave paintings dating back over 20,000 years. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the stunning rock formations and ancient artwork.
  • Château de Cénevières: Situated approximately 10 km from Bagnac-sur-célé, this medieval castle overlooks the Lot River. It offers guided tours, showcasing its impressive architecture, beautiful gardens, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée Champollion - Les Écritures du Monde: Located in Figeac, around 20 km away, this museum is dedicated to the history of writing systems. It showcases various ancient scripts, including Egyptian hieroglyphs, Chinese characters, and Mayan glyphs, providing a fascinating insight into the evolution of writing.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Situated approximately 35 km from Bagnac-sur-célé, this picturesque village is perched on a cliff overlooking the Lot River. Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, narrow streets, and stunning views, it has been designated as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France."
  • Figeac Old Town: Located around 20 km away, Figeac's historic center is a charming place to explore. It boasts well-preserved medieval and Renaissance architecture, including the birthplace of Jean-François Champollion, the decipherer of Egyptian hieroglyphs. The town also offers lovely squares, quaint shops, and a vibrant atmosphere.
  • Rocamadour: Situated approximately 55 km from Bagnac-sur-célé, Rocamadour is a renowned pilgrimage site built into the side of a cliff. Its impressive medieval buildings, including the famous Notre-Dame Chapel, attract thousands of visitors each year. The village also offers stunning views and a unique atmosphere.
  • Château de Gourdon: Located about 60 km away, this medieval fortress overlooks the town of Gourdon. It offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its well-preserved towers, ramparts, and gardens. The castle also hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Padirac Cave: Situated approximately 70 km from Bagnac-sur-célé, this natural wonder is one of the most famous caves in France. Visitors can take a guided tour that includes a boat ride on an underground river and a walk through magnificent chambers adorned with stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Cahors Old Town: Located about 40 km away, Cahors is a historic city renowned for its medieval architecture and the iconic Pont Valentré, a fortified bridge crossing the Lot River. The old town offers charming streets, squares, and a vibrant market where visitors can sample local produce. 10. Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Situated approximately 50 km from Bagnac-sur-célé, this impressive medieval castle stands atop a hill overlooking the Dordogne Valley. Visitors can explore its imposing towers, courtyards, and gardens, and learn about its rich history through guided tours.

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