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Merindol Gerard
700 Rue Pierre Larousse


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Price per night:

price from €39





Description for B&B:

Included in your stay are private rooms with access to communal spaces such as the bathroom, WC, kitchen, TV lounge, and outdoor area. Additionally, you will have the convenience of free private parking and access to amenities like the boules pitch and patio. To start your day off right, breakfast is also included.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 39 60 195 300


Animals Allowed


  • Crocodile Farm (La Ferme aux Crocodiles) - Located in Pierrelatte, this is one of the largest reptile parks in Europe. With over 400 crocodiles and other exotic animals, visitors can explore tropical greenhouses, witness feeding sessions, and learn about the fascinating world of reptiles.
  • Château de Grignan - Situated in the nearby village of Grignan, this Renaissance castle attracts visitors with its impressive architecture and panoramic views. Explore the beautifully restored interiors, stroll through the charming gardens, and enjoy the exhibitions and events hosted within the castle walls.
  • Truffle Market (Marché aux Truffes) - If you're a food enthusiast, don't miss the truffle market held in the town of Richerenches, just a short drive away. This renowned market offers a unique opportunity to purchase and sample these prized gourmet mushrooms during the truffle season (November to March).
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche - Approximately 30 kilometers away, the Ardèche Gorges offer breathtaking natural scenery. Rent a kayak or canoe and navigate through the stunning limestone cliffs, take a refreshing swim in the clear waters, or hike along the picturesque trails surrounding the river.
  • Montélimar - Located about 30 kilometers to the south, Montélimar is famous for its nougat production. Discover the secrets of nougat-making at one of the local factories, visit the charming old town, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this historic city.
  • Grignan Lavender Fields - During the summer months, the lavender fields near Grignan are a sight to behold. Immerse yourself in the fragrant purple landscapes, take stunning photos, and learn about the cultivation and production of lavender at one of the nearby farms.
  • Aven d'Orgnac - Situated approximately 60 kilometers away, Aven d'Orgnac is a magnificent cave system that offers a fascinating underground adventure. Explore the awe-inspiring chambers, admire the impressive stalactite formations, and learn about the geological history of the region.
  • Palais des Papes - Located in Avignon, about 80 kilometers away, the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes) is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This grand medieval fortress and palace served as the residence of several popes during the 14th century. Explore the opulent interiors, enjoy panoramic views of the city from the tower, and delve into the rich history of this iconic landmark. Note: It is always recommended to check the operating hours and availability of attractions before planning a visit, as they may be subject to changes or seasonal closures.

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