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Contact Details:


Jean-Pierre Samama
1405 chemin du Fraisal


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €493






Description for B&B:

All of our rooms are furnished with utmost comfort, featuring new bedding and private bathrooms equipped with toilets. Upon request, we also offer amenities such as internet access, TV, and DVD players. Additionally, two of our rooms are specially designed with a small living area where two children can comfortably sleep, adjacent to the main bedroom. The rooms are beautifully adorned with warm and meticulously arranged decorations. Furthermore, our breakfast options are predominantly prepared using organic and fairtrade products.

Description for Gite

Our three gîtes can accommodate 4 to 6 people and each of them features its own private terrace. The first one, called la Clède, is built on three levels. The second one, l'Oustal, consists of two rooms, a dining room, a living room on a mezzanine, and a terrace surrounded by nature. The largest one, La Magnanerie (120 m²), comfortably accommodates 6 people with two rooms, a third one on a mezzanine above the living room, a kitchen dining room, and a spacious covered terrace facing the magnificent mountain view.


Appréciations pour Mas Suejol, Anduze:

Mas suéjol dans le Gard
Review by: THIVEND, Aou 27 2009 3:52PM
Le séjour que j'ai passé ici avec mes amies a été trop court . J'en garde un merveilleux souvenir, tant pour l'accueil extrêmement courtois et "haut de gamme" que pour le cadre exquis et le service du petit déjeuner délicieux ....

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To reach your destination, begin by heading towards St Félix de Pallières from Anduze. After traveling for 2 km, you will come across a sign indicating Mas Suéjol on your right. Continue following the signs towards Suéjol and Fraisal for another 2 km. The last house can be found at the end of the road.



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Notes: price according to season
Notes: price according to season
Notes: price according to season. check details in our website


Swimming Pool


  • La Bambouseraie en Cévennes: Located in Générargues, just outside Anduze, La Bambouseraie is a stunning bamboo garden with over 200 species of bamboo. Visitors can explore the lush greenery, walk across bamboo bridges, and admire the exotic plants from various parts of the world.
  • Anduze Market: Held every Thursday morning, the Anduze Market offers a vibrant and colorful experience. It is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the local culture, shop for fresh produce, local crafts, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.
  • Train à Vapeur des Cévennes: Known as the Steam Train of the Cévennes, this heritage railway offers scenic rides through the picturesque landscapes of the Cévennes Mountains. Enjoy a nostalgic journey aboard a vintage steam train and soak in the stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Le Musée du Désert: Situated in Mialet, a short drive from Anduze, Le Musée du Désert is a historical museum dedicated to the history of Protestantism in the Cévennes region. Discover the stories of religious persecution, explore the underground passages, and gain insights into the struggles faced by the Huguenots.
  • Pont du Gard: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Pont du Gard is a majestic Roman aqueduct located near Remoulins, approximately an hour's drive from Anduze. Marvel at the impressive architecture and enjoy scenic walks along the riverbanks.
  • Nîmes: Explore the historic city of Nîmes, located about 45 minutes away from Anduze. Visit the well-preserved Roman amphitheater, Maison Carrée, and the beautiful Jardins de la Fontaine. Nîmes is also famous for its traditional bullfighting events held in the Roman arena.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Approximately an hour's drive from Anduze, Aigues-Mortes is a fortified medieval town located on the coast. Walk along the city walls, visit the Tower of Constance, and soak up the charming atmosphere of this well-preserved historic gem.
  • Cévennes National Park: A haven for nature lovers, the Cévennes National Park offers breathtaking landscapes, hiking trails, and outdoor activities. Discover picturesque villages, cascading waterfalls, and diverse wildlife in this pristine natural park.
  • Haribo Museum: Located in Uzès, a short distance from Anduze, the Haribo Museum is a fun-filled attraction for visitors of all ages. Learn about the history of Haribo candies, see the production process, and indulge in a variety of sweet treats at the museum shop. 10. Grotte de Trabuc: Situated in Mialet, the Grotte de Trabuc is a fascinating underground cave system. Take a guided tour to explore the stunning rock formations, underground rivers, and learn about the geological history of the region. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders and historical sites to cultural gems and family-friendly activities, ensuring an enjoyable visit to the Anduze area.

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