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Contact Details:


Federica Ratti
Via Caduti per la Liberazione, 1
Vinchio (Asti)



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

We are a well-traveled family who have always sought out small, cozy bed and breakfasts during our trips, places that could provide us with warmth and simplicity. These experiences inspired us to open up our own home and extend the same hospitality to others.

So, why not come visit us? We would be delighted to have you as our guests! We strive to offer everything that every traveler desires: availability, kindness, and comfort. All the essential ingredients for feeling right at home.

Our charming B&B is located in the quaint village of VINCHIO. It's a place to be discovered slowly, without rushing, just like savoring a fine glass of wine. Our location and accommodations are highly recommended for those seeking a truly memorable holiday in a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Each of our three rooms is thoughtfully furnished with a personal touch of creativity and style. And rest assured, the entrance is completely separate from our own home.


Appréciations pour Cà d' Rot (Maison Ratti), Vinchio (Asti):

Accueil chalereux dans cette b&b. Charmant village et magnifique paysages
Review by: Barbara, Jan 21 2012 5:03PM
Je recommande très vivement cette chambre d hote au coeur d un charmant village typique du Piémont. L accueil de Marissa et Mario est si sympathique et chalereux qon se sent ches soi. Marissa est calme, accueillante et disponible à nous conseiller. Les logements son spacieux, très propres et conviviaux,chacun ave sa salle de bain.Le petit déjeuner très copieux et delicieux. Les paysages du Piémont est magnifiques!Jespère pouvoir revenir......

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If you are coming from Turin, follow the TORINO-PIACENZA motorway (A21) until you reach the ASTI EST exit. From there, you will be on the bypass for ALBA and ACQUI TERME, but you need to take the detour for NIZZA-CANELLI-ACQUI TERME. Follow the signs to MONTEGROSSO D'ASTI. When you reach the traffic lights in MONTEGROSSO, make a left turn towards MOMBERCELLI and VINCHIO. Once you arrive in Vinchio, our B&B is located on the main street of the village, and you will easily spot it.

If you are coming from Milan, take the A21 motorway in the direction of TORINO-PIACENZA. Exit at FELIZZANO and follow the signs for QUATTORDIO, MASIO, BELVEGLIO, MOMBERCELLI, and VINCHIO.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Prices may vary depending
Notes: ). The baby up to 3 years
Apartment 1 400 500 no


Animals Allowed