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Gildas Joubert


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

We have 5 double rooms available, each offering unique features. One of the rooms comes with a cozy sitting room and a fireplace, perfect for a relaxing and warm atmosphere. Another room is equipped with a refreshing power shower, providing a luxurious bathing experience. Additionally, this room has a separate access for added convenience.

Description for Gite

This charming cottage is the perfect place to unwind and relax, or even celebrate a special occasion. With its spacious living room equipped with a small theater, it can serve as a versatile space for various activities such as dining, dancing, hosting private receptions, or even enjoying a theater performance.

The cottage also boasts an incredible infinity pool, which is not only impressive in size (108 m2) but also offers various games like badminton, table tennis, football, and basketball, ensuring endless entertainment for everyone.

Equipped with top-notch amenities, including two dishwashers, a 10kg washing machine, three fridges, and comfortable lounges, this cottage offers nothing but the highest quality facilities. Additionally, babysitting services are available during the day or evening, allowing parents to fully enjoy their stay.

Guests will also have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture, as numerous festivals and events take place during the summer in the nearby medieval villages.


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Travel approximately 8 counties, which is equivalent to a distance between 29 and 30 kilometers.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: September to June
Notes: September to June
Notes: July and August


Swimming Pool


  • Albi Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Albi, the Albi Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It features stunning architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and houses the largest painted surface of the Last Judgement in the world.
  • Toulouse-Lautrec Museum: Situated in Albi, the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum is dedicated to the famous painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It showcases a vast collection of his works, including paintings, drawings, and lithographs, providing insight into the artist's life and his unique style.
  • Cap'Découverte: Located in Le Garric, Cap'Découverte is an adventure park with various activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy thrill rides, zip-lining, go-karting, water activities, and even a skate park. It offers a great day out for families and adventure enthusiasts.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: A charming medieval village perched on a hilltop, Cordes-sur-Ciel is a must-visit attraction near Trescans. Stroll through the narrow cobblestone streets, admire the well-preserved medieval architecture, and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Sidobre: Situated around 50 kilometers away, Sidobre is a unique natural site known for its impressive granite formations. Visitors can explore the vast granite landscape, featuring massive rocks, picturesque waterfalls, and tranquil forests. It offers opportunities for hiking, picnicking, and enjoying the peaceful ambiance of nature.
  • Lautrec: Another picturesque medieval village near Trescans, Lautrec is known for its preserved half-timbered houses and beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. The village is also famous for its pink garlic, and visitors can learn about its production and taste various garlic-based products.
  • Sainte-Cécile Church: Located in Albi, the Sainte-Cécile Church is a remarkable example of Southern French Gothic architecture. Adorned with intricate carvings, colorful frescoes, and a stunning painted ceiling, it is considered one of the largest brick-built churches in the world.
  • Gaillac Vineyards: Situated just a short drive away, the Gaillac region is renowned for its vineyards and winemaking traditions. Visitors can explore the vineyards, taste a variety of wines, and learn about the local grape varieties and wine production techniques.
  • Castres: A charming town known for its picturesque canal, Castres offers a delightful blend of history and natural beauty. Visitors can wander through the old town, visit the Goya Museum, and take a boat ride along the enchanting Agout River. 10. Les Jardins des Martels: Located in Giroussens, Les Jardins des Martels is a beautiful botanical garden spanning over 35,000 square meters. It features a variety of themed gardens, including a rose garden, Japanese garden, and water garden, providing a serene and colorful experience for nature lovers.

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