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Florence Et Thierry Hermans
16 Rue Des Fauries
Livron Sur Drôme


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Price per night:

price from €250





Description for B&B:

The Ibiza suite, situated in the beautiful Haut Livron castle, offers a tranquil atmosphere inspired by the charming houses of Ibiza in the Balearic Islands. This independent suite features a private jacuzzi and a luxurious four-poster bed. During your stay, you can explore the picturesque villages of Drôme Provençale and the stunning Drôme Valley.

For a romantic and adventurous experience, indulge in a delightful meal for two and enjoy the private spa in a vaulted room at the Château Duo, located in the heart of the historic district of Livron-sur-Drôme.

The suite-apartment spans 80 m2 and has its own separate entrance, providing a view of the shaded park and the ancient stones. The main room functions as a bedroom with a queen size four-poster bed, a living room with a TV, a dining area with a fireplace, and a bathroom with a walk-in shower. There is also a separate toilet, a fully equipped kitchen, and a "wellness" room if you desire a massage service. The jacuzzi area is located in a vaulted room and is accessible to you at any time.

To ensure cleanliness, the jacuzzi is emptied after each use, and the water is treated with gentle active oxygen that is not harsh on the skin. We provide welcome products, a hair dryer, bathrobes, a Senseo coffee maker, a kettle, a microwave, and complimentary drinks.

Additional amenities include a large bottle of chilled Champagne upon arrival for €30, a choice of red, rosé, or white wine for €15, and the option to reserve a regional meal or a sushi platter for two with dessert and wine for €50 (advance reservation required).

A prepared breakfast is included and can be enjoyed in the privacy of your room at your preferred time. You can also book a rejuvenating wellness session with a duo massage (2X35min) or a solo massage (1h) performed by our qualified outdoor masseuse for €70 per session. We also offer room decoration with rose petals and a bouquet to take away upon request for €30.

Secure parking is available on-site, and check-in is from 5 p.m. with check-out at around 11 a.m. the following day. Please note that our accommodation is non-smoking and pets are not allowed. The Ibiza suite is exclusively reserved for couples.


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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 250


Swimming Pool


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