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Château Sainte Cécile
D13 E16 Route de La Solencière
Saint Thibéry


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Price per night:

price from €100




Description for B&B:

Located on the ground level of the Chateau, you will find five splendid bedrooms connected to a grand corridor. Each of these rooms, named after renowned Italian operas, beautifully honors Sainte Cecile. These exquisite spaces artfully blend opulence, delicacy, and serenity to provide a truly tranquil atmosphere. Thoughtfully adorned with meticulous attention to detail, every bedroom exudes spaciousness and sophistication, ensuring your utmost comfort and unparalleled refinement.


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If traveling from the south, take Highway A9 and exit at Way out n°34. Follow D13 towards Pézenas and then take the exit for D18 towards Saint Thibéry. At the roundabout, take the extreme left onto Avenue de Pézenas. Continue straight, passing 3 stop lines, and after 200 meters, turn left onto D13 E16.

If traveling from the north, take Highway A75, then N9 and finally D13. Follow the signs for Agde and take the exit for Nézignan-lévèque. Once you reach the entrance of the village, turn left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 100 120


Swimming Pool


  • Abbaye de Valmagne: Located just 4 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Abbaye de Valmagne is a stunning medieval abbey known for its beautiful architecture and peaceful gardens. Visitors can explore the historic abbey, admire the Gothic cloister, and enjoy wine tastings at the on-site winery.
  • Pézenas: Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Pézenas is a charming town famous for its well-preserved old town and connection to the renowned playwright Molière. Stroll along the picturesque streets, visit the Molière Museum, and browse the numerous artisan shops and boutiques.
  • Canal du Midi: The Canal du Midi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, runs through the region and offers a serene and scenic setting for leisurely walks or bike rides. This 17th-century canal stretches for several kilometers, passing through idyllic villages and offering opportunities for boating or canoeing.
  • Marseillan: Located about 12 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Marseillan is a delightful coastal town with a picturesque harbor and beautiful sandy beaches. Explore the charming old town, visit the Noilly Prat vermouth distillery, and indulge in fresh seafood at one of the waterfront restaurants.
  • Cap d'Agde: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Cap d'Agde is a popular seaside resort known for its sandy beaches, vibrant nightlife, and variety of water sports. The town also features a marina, an aquarium, a water park, and numerous restaurants and bars.
  • Agde: Located just 8 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Agde is a historic town with a rich heritage dating back to Ancient Greece. Explore the town's ancient fortifications, visit the impressive Cathedral of Saint Stephen, and wander through the charming streets of the old town.
  • Béziers: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Béziers is a larger city with a fascinating history and impressive architectural landmarks. Visit the historic Béziers Cathedral, explore the beautiful Canal du Midi, and enjoy panoramic views from the Plateau des Poètes park.
  • Les Neuf Écluses de Fonseranes: Located about 25 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Les Neuf Écluses de Fonseranes is a remarkable feat of engineering and a popular tourist attraction. This series of locks on the Canal du Midi allows boats to ascend or descend a slope of 21 meters, creating a captivating sight.
  • Sète: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Sète is a vibrant coastal town known for its picturesque canals, colorful fishing boats, and delicious seafood. Explore the charming old town, visit the Musée Paul Valéry, and enjoy the stunning views from Mont Saint-Clair. 10. Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: Located about 40 kilometers from Saint Thibéry, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is a medieval village nestled in a picturesque valley. This UNESCO World Heritage Site offers narrow streets, a beautiful abbey, and stunning natural surroundings ideal for hiking or simply enjoying the peaceful ambiance.

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