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2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €58


Description for B&B:

This is a description of a Neo-Breton house located in a tranquil area on the outskirts of Guenrouët village. The house offers easy access to hiking trails and overlooks the recreation area and St. Clair river port. The property features a large and open garden spanning 5000 m², perfect for relaxation. On the second floor, there are two bedrooms available. The first bedroom includes a spacious spa bath and toilet, with a comfortable 160x200 bed. The second bedroom consists of a 140x200 bed and two 80x200 beds, along with a chromotherapy shower and toilet. Both rooms are equipped with high-quality, eco-friendly bedding. Breakfast is served either in the cozy lounge area or on the terrace, allowing guests to enjoy the surrounding nature. Additionally, there is a wellness site on the premises, offering massage beds and various rejuvenating treatments. The property is open year-round, ensuring a delightful stay in this charming Neo-Breton house.


Appréciations pour Ty Canal D'or, Plesse:

Maison d'exception
Review by: Yves, Aou 1 2019 7:54PM
Une adresse rare où l'on se sent bien, parce-que Sylvie et Bruno tiennent à nous faire partager leur bon vivre dans cette maison calme, reposante, où l'on se verra servir des produits frais et sains. Sylvie pourra aussi vous parler de méditation, massage et bien-être. Je conseille vivement Ty Canal d'Or qui sera mon premier choix lors d'un prochain passage dans la région. Highly recommended!
Bulle de tranquillité
Review by: Emmanuelle et Christian , Avr 10 2016 6:42PM
Bilan après deux nuits : accueil au top, chambre superbe avec une douche en couleur ! Propreté nickel ! Matelas hyper confortable que tu bonheur et petit dej maison. On reviendra c'est sûr

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To reach Ty Canal d'Or from Nantes, take the Vannes route and follow the signs for Savenay. Take the northern exit towards Plessé and make a left turn. Continue on the road that leads to Guenrouet via Rennes. When you reach Nantes, take the Guemen-Penfao exit and continue towards Plessé and Guenrouet. Ty Canal d'Or is conveniently situated near the canal bridge on the road between Plessé and Guenrouet, just across from the port of Guenrouet.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 58 62 370 398 17


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed