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Catherine Dubreuil


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €95





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Description for B&B:

The accommodations are located on the first floor and consist of three rooms. The first room features a comfortable 160-bed, while the second room has two 90 beds that can be combined if needed. The third room is specifically reserved for teenagers or close friends who are willing to share one of the bathrooms. In order to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, there is no television intentionally provided in the rooms.

Additionally, there is a spacious 70 m2 living area with a fireplace where guests can unwind and relax. During the summer season, guests can enjoy the patio with a large table and a barbecue. The surroundings are characterized by vast fields, creating a serene atmosphere.

A delicious breakfast, prepared with fresh local ingredients, is included in the stay. If desired, guests can also reserve a spot for dinner, however, alcoholic beverages are not available due to pending license approval.


Appréciations pour Maison Matalot, Castex:

maison d hotes Matalot Castex
Review by: laurent philippe, Avr 21 2018 7:09AM
petit coin de paradis aux pieds des Pyrénées.Très bon accueil de la propriétaire.petit déjeuner avec des produits locaux.Calme et sérénité sont au rendez-vous.Que du bonheur
B&B Maison Matalot
Review by: J Carter, Oct 1 2013 8:20PM
This is an exceptional place. There are incredible views of the mountains and everything is stylishly done by the owner. Supremely comfortable bed. The beauty, peace and tranquillity makes it all quite magical. We cannot wait to return!
Petit coin de paradis !!
Review by: viriginie Bonnet, Juil 18 2013 5:51PM
une maison d'hôtes superbe et une hôtesse aux petits soins!!! Vue magnifique sur les pyrénées. Cela vaut le détour !!

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To get to the destination, start from Toulouse and head towards Tarbes until you reach the motorway. Take the exit for Carbon and then follow the signs for Foix through Montesquieu Volvestre and Daumazan sur Arize. Drive through Daumazan, crossing the bridge over the river, and then take the left fork towards Castex. Drive for 3 km until you reach Castex, and continue through the village until you pass the cemetery. Look for a small road on the left, and the house, Matalot, will be the second left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 95 95
Apartment 2 80 150 20


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