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Jacques Madaschi
9012 Chemin De Château Roussillon



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Price per night:

price from €110





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Description for B&B:

The "La Plage" suite presents a sophisticated area of 30 m², boasting an eastern orientation that provides delightful views of the spa and terrace, while also offering a western perspective overlooking the summer kitchen. This suite is furnished with a comfortable 160x200 bed, a separate toilet, and a bathroom featuring an Italian shower. Additionally, guests can enjoy a private terrace with a splendid vista of the spa, as well as the convenience of reversible air conditioning and a fridge-freezer.


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To reach the Château Roussillon district from Perpignan, head east towards the Oppidum of Ruscino. At the Stop sign, turn right, and continue until you reach the school. We are eagerly awaiting your arrival.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 110 140 700 900 6


Swimming Pool
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  • Castillet: This iconic red-brick tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Perpignan. Originally built as part of the city's defensive fortifications, today it houses a museum showcasing the history and culture of Perpignan.
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  • Saint-Jean Cathedral: This impressive Gothic cathedral dates back to the 14th century and is a must-visit for architecture enthusiasts. It features intricate stained glass windows, a grand organ, and a beautiful cloister.
  • Le Palais des Congrès: This modern convention center hosts a variety of events, exhibitions, and conferences throughout the year. It is also home to a theater, making it a cultural hub in Perpignan.
  • Musée Hyacinthe Rigaud: This art museum is dedicated to the works of Hyacinthe Rigaud, a renowned French portrait painter. It houses a collection of his paintings, as well as temporary exhibitions showcasing various artists.
  • Jardin Exotique de Ponteilla: Located just outside Perpignan, this botanical garden features a wide variety of exotic plants from around the world. It is a peaceful oasis where visitors can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Château de Salses: Situated about 15 kilometers north of Perpignan, this impressive fortress is a fine example of military architecture. It played a crucial role in defending the region against Spanish invasions and now serves as a historical monument.
  • Canet-en-Roussillon: A popular seaside resort town located just a short distance from Perpignan. It offers beautiful sandy beaches, a marina, water sports activities, and a vibrant promenade lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes. 10. Collioure: A picturesque coastal town known for its colorful houses, charming streets, and stunning waterfront views. Collioure has inspired many famous artists and is a favorite destination for art lovers. It also boasts beautiful beaches and a medieval castle.

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