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Béatrice Grillere
Au Village
Termes d'Armagnac



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

These accommodations have been recently renovated to provide ample space, complete with a private bathroom and a television. Some of them even feature a terrace that offers a stunning view of the park.

Description for Gite

This ground floor detached cottage accommodates 4 to 5 people and offers a lovely terrace and private parking. The cottage boasts an open kitchen, a spacious living room, two comfortable bedrooms, and a well-appointed bathroom.


Appréciations pour Le Relais de la Tour, Termes d'Armagnac:

très satisfaisant
Review by: christine GALTIER, Oct 6 2013 2:11PM
Un grand merci pour Béatrice et Philippe pour leur accueil simple et chaleureux. Les chambres sont spacieuses et propres. Malheureusement, notre arrivée tardive ne nous a pas laissé le temps de profiter de la piscine. Nous avons également apprécié la table d'hôtes à la fois traditionnelle et créative.
Review by: Azer tiroom, Juin 17 2011 11:47AM
Située sur un coin un peu bruyant.
Pour les repas, ne dites pas à la dame ce que vous n'aimez pas car vous l'aurez le soir même dans votre assiette.

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The village is located at the center, which is 10 km away from Nogaro. Additionally, it is situated 45 km from Tarbes and 60 km from Pau.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 70 75 422 472 oui
(3 pers.)
2 90 105 567 598 oui
Holiday Home 1 380 580 non


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Cassaigne: Located just 5 kilometers away from Au Village, the Château de Cassaigne is a beautiful medieval castle surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can explore the castle's impressive architecture, enjoy wine tastings, and learn about the history of the Armagnac region.
  • Labastide-d'Armagnac: A picturesque medieval village situated approximately 10 kilometers from Au Village. Labastide-d'Armagnac is known for its charming cobblestone streets, half-timbered houses, and a central square lined with arcades. Visitors can wander through the village, visit the 14th-century Church of Saint-Germain, and enjoy the local shops and cafés.
  • Condom: Located around 15 kilometers from Au Village, Condom is a historic town with a rich heritage. It is home to the impressive Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, a magnificent Gothic cathedral, as well as several museums and art galleries. Visitors can explore the town's narrow streets, visit the Armagnac cellars, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Larressingle: Known as the "Little Carcassonne," Larressingle is a fortified village located around 20 kilometers from Au Village. Surrounded by 13th-century walls, this beautifully preserved medieval village features narrow streets, a central square, and a castle. Visitors can explore the ramparts, visit the museum, and experience the unique ambiance of this historical gem.
  • Eauze: Situated approximately 25 kilometers from Au Village, Eauze is a town with a rich Roman heritage. It is home to the Maison de l'Armagnac, a museum dedicated to the region's famous brandy, as well as the impressive Roman archaeological site of Elusa. Visitors can explore the charming town center, visit the markets, and learn about the town's fascinating history.
  • Nogaro: Located around 30 kilometers from Au Village, Nogaro is a small town known for its motorsports circuit, Circuit Paul Armagnac. Motorsport enthusiasts can enjoy various events and races at the circuit, while others can explore the town's historic center, visit the Church of Saint-Nicolas, and relax in the pleasant surroundings. These attractions offer a combination of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and heritage of the Armagnac region.