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Jacques Buffières
34 Route de l'Aven
Villeneuve Minervois


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Price per night:

price from €119




Description for B&B:

Fréderique and Jacques were captivated by the charm of this architecturally stunning 1950s house nestled in the picturesque Minervois region. They decided to transform it into a charming guest house.

Situated on the outskirts of a historic village in the upper Minervois, and in close proximity to the medieval city of Carcassonne, this house boasts breathtaking views of the surrounding fields adorned with vineyards, olive groves, and the majestic Alaric and Pyreneen mountains.

For a comfortable stay, there are three air-conditioned and individually designed bedrooms, each with its own ensuite bathroom. Alternatively, if you're seeking a more romantic and unique accommodation option, you can opt for "La bohème" - our authentic Prague caravan.

Fréderique and Jacques, former art gallery owners, will share their collection of contemporary sculptures and artworks with you.

Upon arrival, you will be greeted by a magnificent magnolia tree. Take a leisurely and tranquil walk through the expansive park underneath the towering cedar trees.

We offer a "table d'hôte" dining experience, featuring delectable dishes made with locally sourced ingredients such as foie gras, farm poultry, and fresh trout from the nearby streams. Pair your meal with the finest wines from the Minervois and Cabardès regions.

Our three bedrooms are tastefully decorated with different themes and can accommodate varying numbers of guests. All bedrooms are equipped with air conditioning.

The "Clos du Moulin" provides a private parking area for guests. Bicycles are also available for guests to explore the peaceful countryside roads surrounding the village.

Start your day with a delightful breakfast experience, featuring homemade pastries and jams, served on the terrace or in the conservatory from 8:30 am.

Description for Gite

The allure of a caravan extends beyond its stationary nature, beckoning us to embark on journeys and escape from the ordinary. It is a place where dreams are given free rein, rooted in tradition and revered as a sacred space. In the past, caravans held such significance that they were ceremoniously set ablaze upon the passing of their owners, an ancient Indian custom. As a result, caravans from the early 1900s have become exceedingly rare treasures.

Enter "The Bohème," an authentic Prague caravan from the 1920s, adorned with exquisite oiled oak paneling and adorned mirrors. This vintage gem offers a haven of comfort and tranquility, providing an extraordinary and enchanting retreat. Adjacent to the caravan, an inviting chalet awaits, boasting a serene wooden terrace and modern amenities such as a bathroom with a toilet and a well-equipped kitchenette for self-catering convenience. Nestled beneath the majestic canopy of towering trees in the park, the Boheme caravan promises a blissfully peaceful holiday experience.


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To reach the Gouffre Géant de Cabrespine, simply follow the signs. It is located 17 kilometers northeast of Carcassonne and 60 kilometers west of Narbonne.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: special price for 2 night
(3 pers.)
2 82 91 17 oui
Holiday Home 1 450 450 oui




  • Minerve (8.5 km): A picturesque village perched on a rocky outcrop, Minerve is known for its medieval architecture and stunning natural surroundings. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Cathar Museum, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Carcassonne (27 km): The fortified city of Carcassonne is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most impressive medieval towns in Europe. Walk along the ancient walls, visit the Château Comtal, and immerse yourself in the rich history of this well-preserved citadel.
  • Canal du Midi (28 km): A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a remarkable feat of engineering from the 17th century. Take a boat trip or cycle along the tree-lined towpaths, passing through charming villages, vineyards, and picturesque landscapes.
  • Abbey of Fontfroide (35 km): Nestled in the Corbières wine region, the Abbey of Fontfroide is a beautifully preserved Cistercian monastery. Explore the serene cloisters, admire the Gothic architecture, and take a stroll through the tranquil gardens surrounding the abbey.
  • Narbonne (42 km): This Roman city offers a rich heritage and vibrant atmosphere. Visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, explore the Roman Horreum underground galleries, and wander through the bustling market in Les Halles.
  • Gouffre de Cabrespine (45 km): This vast underground chasm is one of the largest caves in the world open to the public. Take a guided tour to admire the spectacular stalagmites, stalactites, and underground formations that have been shaped over millions of years.
  • Lagrasse (48 km): This medieval village is renowned for its abbey and charming streets. Wander through the narrow alleys, visit the 8th-century Abbey of Sainte-Marie-d'Orbieu, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this picturesque village.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Haut-Languedoc (50 km): Located in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc Regional Natural Park, this area offers stunning landscapes, rugged mountains, and pristine lakes. Explore hiking trails, go mountain biking, or simply enjoy the tranquility of nature.
  • Limoux (52 km): Famous for its sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux, this charming town is worth a visit. Discover the medieval square, explore the narrow streets lined with half-timbered houses, and enjoy a tasting at one of the local wineries. 10. Béziers (53 km): Situated on the banks of the River Orb, Béziers boasts a rich history and impressive architecture. Visit the Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, stroll along the Canal du Midi, and explore the picturesque old town with its charming squares and lively atmosphere.

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