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Rue Pardaillan


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price from €370






Description for Gite

Experience the ultimate serene getaway in our exquisite chalet. This superb accommodation boasts three bedrooms, a fully-equipped kitchen, a spacious dining room, and a comfortable living room. Indulge in the luxury of a bathroom and a separate shower room. Enjoy sun-soaked moments in the charming South and South West-facing areas of the chalet.


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Take the A62 heading towards Toulouse Bordeaux and take the AGEN Condom Condom exit. Continue on this road until you reach EAUZE PAU, and then proceed to Gondrin Street in Pardaillan where you will arrive at your destination.



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  • Château de Lavardens: Located approximately 10 kilometers west of Rue Pardaillan, Château de Lavardens is a magnificent medieval castle. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Flaran Abbey: Situated around 15 kilometers southeast of Gondrin, Flaran Abbey is a former Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. The abbey now serves as an art museum, hosting a collection of contemporary artworks and exhibitions.
  • La Maison de l'Ail (Garlic House): Found in Beaumont, just a short drive north of Gondrin, La Maison de l'Ail is a unique museum dedicated to garlic. Discover the history, cultivation, and various uses of this popular ingredient through interactive displays, tastings, and workshops.
  • Fourcès: A charming village approximately 15 kilometers east of Gondrin, Fourcès is renowned for its circular architecture and picturesque setting. Stroll through the quaint streets, admire the medieval houses, and relax in the central square with its charming arcades and a medieval clock tower.
  • Lupiac: Located about 20 kilometers southwest of Rue Pardaillan, Lupiac is the birthplace of the famous musketeer d'Artagnan. Explore the Musée de d'Artagnan, dedicated to his life and the era of the Three Musketeers, and visit the statue honoring this legendary character.
  • Condom: Situated approximately 25 kilometers south of Gondrin, Condom is a historic town with a rich architectural heritage. Visit the Gothic-style Condom Cathedral, walk along the picturesque River Baïse, and explore the charming streets lined with medieval houses and mansions.
  • Eauze: Located about 30 kilometers northwest of Rue Pardaillan, Eauze is known for its Gallo-Roman remains and historical significance. Visit the Domus de Cieutat, an ancient Roman villa with impressive mosaics, and explore the archaeological museum showcasing artifacts from the Roman era.
  • Lectoure: Situated around 35 kilometers northeast of Gondrin, Lectoure is a charming hilltop town with a fascinating history. Explore the Lectoure Cathedral, wander through the narrow streets of the old town, and relax in the thermal baths overlooking the picturesque landscape.
  • Larressingle: Located approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Rue Pardaillan, Larressingle is a beautifully preserved fortified village. Known as "Little Carcassonne," this medieval gem is surrounded by impressive ramparts and offers a glimpse into the region's medieval past. 10. Auch: Situated about 45 kilometers southeast of Gondrin, Auch is the capital of the Gers department and a city rich in history. Marvel at the stunning Auch Cathedral with its impressive stained glass windows, explore the historic city center, and enjoy the panoramic views from the top of the monumental staircase, Escalier Monumental.

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