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Pagny Nathalie
Quartier la Ferrage
La Tour D'aigues


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €85






Description for B&B:

This elegant guest house spans across 35m2 and features tasteful decor. It offers two comfy sofa beds, high-speed wireless internet, a flat screen TV, and a luxurious walk-in shower. The private terrace provides a serene view of the beautiful garden and inviting pool.

Description for Gite

Experience the ultimate comfort in our exquisite 35m2 studio suite. Indulge in the spaciousness and tasteful decor that will make you feel right at home. The suite features a convenient kitchenette, allowing you to prepare your own meals at your leisure. Unwind and soak up the serene atmosphere on your private terrace, which offers stunning views of our tranquil garden.


Appréciations pour Les chambres d'hôtes de la Ferrage, La Tour D'aigues:

Séjour en avril 2022
Review by: Veronique , Mai 10 2022 11:08AM
Accueil sympathique.situé au calme et proche de jolis villages.un beau potentiel mais un effort sur l'entretien des locaux s'avère indispensable. Dommage....
Voyage de noce
Review by: Bosc Laetitia et Patrick , Aou 16 2019 3:19PM
Nous avons passés une petite semaine très agréable, la chambre tout confort et spacieuse, les extérieurs bien entretenus avec une piscine bien agencée . Très bon accueil de Nathalie et Alain , nous recommandons ce gîte.
Review by: Bernard et Christiane, Mai 28 2018 8:43AM
C'est dans un cadre verdoyant et zen que nous avons apprécié notre suite. L'accueil est agréable et le petit-déjeuner au bord de la piscine est sympa. Belle région aussi à découvrir.
Review by: MONNET, Juin 30 2015 11:11PM
Accueil très agréable. Endroit rempli de douceur et de sérénité. Un moment de pur bonheur.
Etablissement à recommander
Review by: Chantal Guillot, Nov 27 2014 6:24PM
acceuil trés chaleureux ,suite agréable et petit déjeuner copieux et servi dans de la jolie vaisselle, établissement.à recommander

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The destination is situated on the road of the castles of southern Luberon, approximately 50km from Marseille and 20km from Aix en Provence.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 85 95 600 680 8,50/pers
Notes: upon request


Swimming Pool


  • Château de La Tour d'Aigues: Located right in Quartier la Ferrage, Château de La Tour d'Aigues is a stunning Renaissance castle. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and learn about its history through guided tours.
  • Étang de la Bonde: Situated just a short distance from La Tour D'aigues, Étang de la Bonde is a picturesque lake surrounded by lush greenery. It offers various recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, and picnicking, making it a perfect spot for a relaxing day outdoors.
  • Abbaye de Silvacane: Approximately 10 kilometers away from Quartier la Ferrage, Abbaye de Silvacane is a Cistercian monastery known for its incredible Romanesque architecture. Visitors can wander through the abbey's halls and admire its intricate details, including the stunning rose window.
  • Château de Lourmarin: Located in the charming village of Lourmarin, around 13 kilometers from La Tour D'aigues, Château de Lourmarin is a beautiful Renaissance castle. It hosts art exhibitions and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its elegant interior and enjoy panoramic views from its towers.
  • Colorado Provencal: Situated approximately 30 kilometers away, Colorado Provencal is a unique natural site known for its vibrant ochre cliffs and rock formations. Visitors can hike through the colorful landscape, capturing breathtaking views and experiencing the area's distinctive geological features.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon: Located nearby, Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon is a regional nature park known for its scenic beauty and diverse wildlife. It offers numerous hiking and cycling trails, allowing visitors to explore its forests, vineyards, and charming villages while immersing themselves in nature.
  • Château de Ansouis: Situated around 17 kilometers away, Château de Ansouis is a medieval castle perched on a hilltop. It is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and offers guided tours that provide insights into its rich history and the local region.
  • Les Terrasses du Luberon: Located in the village of Jouques, approximately 25 kilometers from Quartier la Ferrage, Les Terrasses du Luberon is a vineyard offering wine tastings and tours. Visitors can sample a variety of local wines while enjoying panoramic views of the stunning Luberon region.
  • Village des Bories: Situated around 20 kilometers away, Village des Bories is an open-air museum that showcases traditional dry-stone huts known as "bories." Visitors can wander through the village and learn about the history and construction techniques of these unique structures. 10. Musée Extraordinaire: Located in the town of Rognes, approximately 30 kilometers from La Tour D'aigues, Musée Extraordinaire is a quirky museum dedicated to collecting and displaying unusual and eclectic objects. It offers an intriguing and unconventional experience for curious visitors.

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