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Alain Duhoux
3 Rue du Lys


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price from €350




Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming Gite, an ideal choice for your holidays in the beautiful region of Alsace. Our completely independent house spans 150 m2 and can comfortably accommodate 4 to 7 guests. Conveniently located in the heart of Ribeauville, you will find yourself just steps away from various shops and amenities.


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Colmar is situated 25 km away from Ribeauville.



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  • Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg: Located about 8 kilometers southwest of Ribeauvillé, this medieval castle offers breathtaking views of the Alsace region. Visitors can explore the well-preserved fortress, learn about its history, and enjoy the beautiful surrounding landscapes.
  • Ribeauvillé Old Town: Just steps away from your location, Ribeauvillé's charming Old Town is a must-visit attraction. Stroll through its narrow streets lined with colorful half-timbered houses, visit local shops and restaurants, and admire the town's rich heritage.
  • Les Trois Châteaux de Ribeauvillé: Situated on the hills overlooking Ribeauvillé, this attraction consists of three castles: Girsberg, Haut-Ribeaupierre, and Saint-Ulrich. Visitors can hike through the vineyards to reach these ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the town and the Vosges Mountains.
  • Cité de l'Automobile – Musée National – Collection Schlumpf: Located in nearby Mulhouse, this automobile museum is a paradise for car enthusiasts. It houses an impressive collection of over 400 vintage cars, including Bugattis and Rolls-Royces, showcasing the history and evolution of automobiles.
  • Montagne des Singes: Situated in Kintzheim, approximately 12 kilometers from Ribeauvillé, this wildlife park is home to around 200 Barbary macaques. Visitors can observe these playful monkeys in a natural habitat and learn about their behavior and conservation efforts.
  • Volerie des Aigles: Adjacent to the Montagne des Singes, this bird of prey park offers captivating falconry shows. Visitors can witness majestic eagles, vultures, and owls in flight, and even have the chance to hold a bird of prey on their arm.
  • Ecomusée d'Alsace: Located in Ungersheim, around 25 kilometers from Ribeauvillé, this open-air museum showcases traditional Alsatian rural life. Visitors can explore over 70 authentic buildings, participate in workshops, and learn about the region's history, customs, and crafts.
  • Strasbourg Cathedral: The magnificent Strasbourg Cathedral, located about 70 kilometers from Ribeauvillé, is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Its impressive facade, intricate sculptures, and stunning stained glass windows make it one of the most remarkable cathedrals in Europe.
  • Europa-Park: Situated in Rust, Germany, approximately 60 kilometers from Ribeauvillé, Europa-Park is one of the largest amusement parks in Europe. It offers a wide range of thrilling rides, shows, and themed areas, providing fun and entertainment for visitors of all ages. 10. Colmar: Located about 15 kilometers from Ribeauvillé, the picturesque town of Colmar is renowned for its well-preserved old town. Famous for its colorful half-timbered houses, canals, and flower-filled streets, Colmar offers a delightful atmosphere, charming shops, and excellent cuisine.

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