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Sandrine Cohen Aloro
Résidence Le Grillon Bâtiment G4


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price from €80






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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 80 100 560 700
(3 pers.)
1 110 120 770 840 20


Swimming Pool
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  • Safari de Peaugres: Located just 10 minutes away from Résidence Le Grillon, Safari de Peaugres is a wildlife park where you can observe over 1,000 animals from 130 different species. Take a safari tour in your own vehicle or explore on foot to see lions, giraffes, zebras, and more.
  • Château de Maisonseule: Situated in the quaint village of Saint-Basile, approximately 20 minutes from Preaux, Château de Maisonseule is a stunning medieval castle. Explore the well-preserved interiors, admire the beautiful architecture, and take a walk through the castle's gardens.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Around a 40-minute drive from Preaux, you'll find Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval in Hauterives. This unique structure was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval, who spent 33 years constructing it with stones he collected during his mail route. The palace is a masterpiece of outsider art and is now a popular tourist attraction.
  • Musée de l'Alambic: Located in Saint-Désirat, approximately 30 minutes away, Musée de l'Alambic is a museum dedicated to the art of distillation. Discover the history of distilling in the region, learn about the production of various spirits, and taste some local liqueurs and brandies.
  • Train de l'Ardèche: Embark on a scenic train journey through the magnificent landscapes of the Ardèche region. The train departs from Tournon-sur-Rhône, which is around 30 minutes away from Preaux. Enjoy panoramic views of vineyards, gorges, and charming villages along the way.
  • Valrhona Cité du Chocolat: Chocolate lovers shouldn't miss a visit to Valrhona Cité du Chocolat in Tain-l'Hermitage, approximately 40 minutes from Preaux. Immerse yourself in the world of chocolate through interactive exhibits, chocolate tastings, and workshops where you can learn the art of chocolate making.
  • Grotte de la Madeleine: Explore the fascinating underground world at Grotte de la Madeleine, situated in Saint-Remèze, about an hour's drive from Preaux. This cave system offers guided tours where you can marvel at impressive stalactites, stalagmites, and underground galleries.
  • Musée de la Chaussure: Located in Romans-sur-Isère, around 45 minutes away, Musée de la Chaussure is a museum dedicated to shoes and footwear. Discover the history of shoemaking, admire unique shoe designs, and learn about the craftsmanship behind this essential accessory. These attractions provide a variety of experiences, from wildlife encounters and historic castles to art installations and culinary delights.

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