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Lidvine Legrand
La Rose Des Vents
Castelnau Sur L'auvignon


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price from €70






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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 70 6
(3 pers.)
2 70 80 440 500 10 6
Holiday Home 2 115 130 425 1200


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Larressingle: Located approximately 7 kilometers from Castelnau Sur L'auvignon, Château de Larressingle is a well-preserved medieval castle. Visitors can explore the fortified walls, towers, and the charming village surrounding the castle.
  • Condom Cathedral: Situated in the nearby town of Condom, Condom Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Condom) is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral. It boasts stunning stained glass windows, intricate architecture, and an impressive organ.
  • Le Musée de l'Armagnac: Located in the city of Condom, this museum is dedicated to the history and production of Armagnac, a traditional French brandy. Visitors can learn about the distillation process, see a collection of historical artifacts, and even taste different varieties of Armagnac.
  • Les Jardins de Coursiana: Situated around 14 kilometers from Castelnau Sur L'auvignon, Les Jardins de Coursiana is a beautiful botanical garden. It features an array of colorful flowers, well-manicured pathways, and a charming rose garden. The garden also hosts various events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Vianne: Located approximately 15 kilometers southeast of Castelnau Sur L'auvignon, Vianne is a picturesque village known for its medieval architecture and charming streets. Visitors can explore the narrow alleys, visit the historic church, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this quaint village.
  • La Maison de l'Armagnac: Situated in the town of Eauze, La Maison de l'Armagnac is a museum dedicated to Armagnac production and history. It offers interactive exhibits, guided tours, and the opportunity to taste different Armagnac products.
  • Château de Cassaigne: Located approximately 20 kilometers southwest of Castelnau Sur L'auvignon, Château de Cassaigne is a historic castle surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can take a tour of the castle, learn about its fascinating history, and enjoy wine tastings of the renowned Armagnac produced on-site.
  • Nérac: Situated around 30 kilometers northeast of Castelnau Sur L'auvignon, Nérac is a charming town known for its beautiful architecture and historical sites. Visitors can explore the Nérac Castle, stroll along the banks of the River Baïse, and visit the bustling local market. These attractions provide visitors with a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval castles to discovering the history and flavors of Armagnac.

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