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5336 Chemin des Mians


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price from €236





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Description for B&B:

There are three spacious rooms and two luxurious suites, all offering immense comfort and individual character. Each space exudes its own unique charm, soulful ambiance, and inviting atmosphere.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 236 236 NON
(3 pers.)
2 96 126 25 NON


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: Located approximately 15 kilometers from Piolenc, this magnificent castle is renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the historic rooms, admire the stunning views from the tower, and learn about the castle's fascinating history.
  • Orange Roman Theatre: Situated around 20 kilometers away, the Orange Roman Theatre is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the best-preserved Roman theaters in the world. Visitors can marvel at the impressive architecture, walk through the ancient stage area, and attend various cultural events and performances held here.
  • Pont du Gard: Located about 40 kilometers from Piolenc, the Pont du Gard is a remarkable ancient Roman aqueduct bridge. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and provides an opportunity to learn about Roman engineering while exploring the well-preserved structure.
  • Avignon's Papal Palace: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away in Avignon, this grand palace was once the residence of several Popes in the 14th century. The palace showcases Gothic architecture and offers guided tours that provide insight into its historical significance and the papal era.
  • Palais des Papes: Also found in Avignon, the Palais des Papes is another UNESCO World Heritage site. This enormous Gothic palace served as the papal residence during the 14th century. Visitors can explore its opulent rooms, admire the frescoes, and take in panoramic views of Avignon from its towers.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated approximately 70 kilometers from Piolenc, the village of Les Baux-de-Provence is perched on a rocky hilltop and offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the ruins of the medieval castle, wander through charming streets lined with art galleries and boutiques, and immerse themselves in the rich history of the region.
  • Arles Amphitheatre: Located about 60 kilometers away, the Arles Amphitheatre is a well-preserved Roman arena that dates back to the 1st century. It is still used today for bullfights and other cultural events. Visitors can walk through the arena, learn about its historical significance, and experience the atmosphere of ancient Roman entertainment.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Situated approximately 75 kilometers from Piolenc, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a stunning natural attraction. This picturesque canyon offers opportunities for hiking, canoeing, and swimming, allowing visitors to appreciate the beauty of the Ardèche River and its surrounding cliffs.
  • Mont Ventoux: Found around 70 kilometers away, Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain in Provence. It is often referred to as the "Giant of Provence" and offers breathtaking views from its summit. Visitors can hike or cycle up the mountain and enjoy the scenic landscapes along the way. 10. Marseille: Situated approximately 100 kilometers from Piolenc, Marseille is a vibrant coastal city known for its rich history and cultural diversity. Visitors can explore attractions such as the Old Port, the Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, the MuCEM museum, and enjoy delicious Mediterranean cuisine.

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