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Bronagh Premaillon
18 Rue du Tertre



3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €85






Description for B&B:

Bronagh presents three uniquely-themed rooms that beautifully capture the enchanting ambiance of the countries where children resided while pursuing their studies. Located upstairs, these rooms offer generous space and utmost comfort, each featuring a private en-suite bathroom. Perfect for one or two individuals, with the potential to accommodate a baby as well. Room availability begins at 4 pm and kindly requests guests to vacate by 11 am on the day of departure. Please note that all of our rooms are designated as non-smoking areas. While we adore pets dearly, regrettably, they are not permitted on the premises.


Appréciations pour Ballylough, Voulangis:

un havre de paix
Review by: Clergue Céline, Nov 4 2015 8:36PM
Merci pour votre accueil sympathique, pour cette nuit si reposante (entre deux journées de travaux) dans un cadre charmant : la déco de la chambre ( Kuranda) est raffinée et la chambre en elle-même est spacieuse. Ballylough est vraiment une belle étape à conseiller.
Formidable !!
Review by: Mr et Mme LE BRAS, Avr 23 2014 11:55AM
Une semaine chez Bronagh et son mari qui nous laissera un souvenir inoubliable! Gentillesse, attention de tous les instants, sourire permanent qui s'ajoutent à une maison pleine de charme et une chambre parfaite. (Les photos du site ne mentent pas). Un grand MERCI à tous les deux. Nous reviendrons !!
Review by: COUSTENOBE, Juin 3 2013 2:51PM
Quel charme ,on ne peut que tomber amoureus de la maison et de son environnement , des hôtes des plus charmants alliant la discrétion et la présence , une nuit passée dans ce lieu vous donne l 'envie d 'y revenir
Response from property:
Nous sommes ravis que notre maison d'hôtes Ballylough vous ait plu et espérons avoir le plaisir de vous revoir bientôt. Bronagh

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 85 90 25 Oui


Swimming Pool


  • Disneyland Paris: Located just 8 kilometers away from Voulangis, Disneyland Paris is a world-famous theme park and resort. It offers an enchanting experience with its iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle, thrilling rides, live shows, and beloved Disney characters.
  • Château de Fontainebleau: Situated approximately 50 kilometers southeast of Voulangis, the Château de Fontainebleau is a grand royal palace known for its rich history and stunning architecture. Visitors can explore the opulent interiors, beautiful gardens, and learn about the palace's significance in French history.
  • Vaux-le-Vicomte: Located around 40 kilometers south of Voulangis, Vaux-le-Vicomte is a magnificent 17th-century château renowned for its exquisite architecture and vast gardens. It offers guided tours, allowing visitors to discover the elegant interiors and enjoy the meticulously landscaped French-style gardens.
  • Provins: Situated approximately 55 kilometers east of Voulangis, Provins is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the town's ramparts, cobblestone streets, and visit attractions such as the Provins Underground Galleries and the Tour César.
  • Parc des Félins: Located just 15 kilometers from Voulangis, Parc des Félins is a wildlife park dedicated to big cats. It is home to over 26 species, including lions, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs. Visitors can observe these majestic animals in spacious enclosures designed to mimic their natural habitats.
  • Meaux Cathedral: Situated approximately 10 kilometers northwest of Voulangis, Meaux Cathedral, also known as Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Meaux, is a stunning Gothic cathedral. Built between the 12th and 16th centuries, it boasts intricate stained glass windows, a magnificent organ, and an impressive collection of religious art.
  • Château de Champs-sur-Marne: Located around 25 kilometers west of Voulangis, the Château de Champs-sur-Marne is an elegant 18th-century castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the furnished interiors, stroll through the landscaped park, and admire the stunning architecture.
  • Parc des Capucins: Situated in Coulommiers, approximately 15 kilometers southwest of Voulangis, Parc des Capucins is a charming park offering a peaceful retreat. It features picturesque gardens, walking paths, a lake, and a mini-golf course, providing a delightful spot for relaxation and leisurely walks.
  • Musée de la Grande Guerre: Located in Meaux, about 10 kilometers northwest of Voulangis, the Musée de la Grande Guerre (Museum of the Great War) is a comprehensive museum dedicated to World War I. It exhibits a vast collection of artifacts, documents, and multimedia displays, providing insights into the war's impact on the region and beyond. 10. Château-Thierry: Situated approximately 35 kilometers northeast of Voulangis, Château-Thierry is a historic town known for its medieval fortifications and picturesque setting along the Marne River. Visitors can explore the town's charming streets, visit the impressive Château de Château-Thierry, and enjoy panoramic views from the ramparts.

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