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Marianne Larcheron
Le Meix
Saint Germain Des champs


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Price per night:

price from €57






Description for B&B:

Experience ultimate comfort and relaxation in a charming studio nestled within the rustic barn of a traditional Morvandelle farmhouse. This eco-friendly haven, adorned with granite walls and a slate roof, offers the perfect retreat to rejuvenate your soul.

Discover serenity on a vast and tranquil property, boasting expansive vistas overlooking the enchanting Vézelay, an orchard, and a permaculture vegetable garden. Delight in the presence of a chicken coop, adding to the idyllic ambiance of this secluded and well-preserved hamlet.

Embark on enchanting walks through the nearby forest and revel in the proximity to a serene lake. For those seeking inner peace, indulge in meditation or energy healing sessions, as well as wellness treatments infused with essential oils upon request.

To start your day off right, a wholesome breakfast awaits you, complete with a perfectly boiled egg, graciously served at 7:30 a.m.

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To reach your destination, take Exit N°22 on the A6 highway whether you are coming from Paris or Lyon. Proceed towards Avallon and continue along the route de Lormes. After approximately 6km, make a left turn and then take a right turn.



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Notes: breakfast included




  • Château de Saint-Fargeau: Located in the nearby town of Saint-Fargeau, this stunning castle dates back to the 10th century. It is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers guided tours to learn about its rich history and architecture.
  • Vézelay Abbey: Situated in the town of Vézelay, this famous abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is renowned for its Romanesque architecture and is considered one of the most important pilgrimage sites in France.
  • Chablis Vineyards: Just a short drive away from Le Meix, the Chablis region is known for producing some of the finest white wines in the world. Take a tour of the vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and indulge in wine tastings at various wineries.
  • Guédelon Castle: Located in Treigny, Guédelon Castle is a unique project that aims to build a medieval castle using only traditional techniques and materials. Visitors can witness the ongoing construction and learn about medieval craftsmanship.
  • Auxerre: A charming town on the banks of the River Yonne, Auxerre is famous for its well-preserved historic center. Visit the Gothic-style Auxerre Cathedral, stroll along the picturesque streets, and explore the half-timbered houses.
  • Noyers-sur-Serein: This medieval village is known for its well-preserved fortifications and charming streets lined with timber-framed houses. Explore the narrow alleys, visit the Church of Saint-Martin, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Pontigny Abbey: Located in Pontigny, this former Cistercian abbey is another UNESCO World Heritage site. Admire the impressive architecture of the abbey church and explore the serene surroundings.
  • Saint-Bris-le-Vineux: This small village is renowned for its vineyards and wine production. Take a tour of the local wineries, taste the delicious Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir wines, and enjoy the scenic countryside.
  • Château de Tanlay: Situated in Tanlay, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by a moat and beautiful gardens. Explore the elegant rooms filled with period furniture and admire the architectural details. 10. Grottes d'Arcy-sur-Cure: Embark on an underground adventure in Arcy-sur-Cure. These caves feature prehistoric paintings and engravings dating back thousands of years, making it a fascinating site for history enthusiasts. Please note that it is always recommended to check the opening hours and availability of attractions before planning your visit.

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