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Lapassat Marie-Christine
2 rue Victor Maurel


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Price per week:

price from €2822






Description for B&B:

We are delighted to offer three opulent rooms in the heart of Embrun's historic center. These luxurious accommodations boast exquisite marble fireplaces, as well as separate shower and bath facilities for your utmost comfort. Additionally, each room comes with its own private garden and car park exclusively for your use.


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To get to Embrun from Paris, take the A6 highway heading towards Lyon. Once in Lyon, continue on the A48 highway towards Grenoble. From Grenoble, take the N85 road towards Gap and then follow the N94 road to reach Embrun.

If you are coming from Marseille, take the A51 highway towards Gap. From Gap, continue on the N94 road until you reach Embrun.



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  • Embrun Cathedral: Located in the heart of Embrun, the Embrun Cathedral is a stunning medieval cathedral known for its beautiful architecture and intricate stained glass windows. It is one of the must-visit attractions in the town.
  • Lac de Serre-Ponçon: Situated just a short distance from Embrun, Lac de Serre-Ponçon is a picturesque lake surrounded by mountains. It offers various recreational activities such as swimming, sunbathing, boating, and fishing, making it a popular spot for tourists and locals alike.
  • Les Orres Ski Resort: If you're visiting during the winter months, Les Orres Ski Resort is a great place to enjoy skiing and snowboarding. With its well-maintained slopes and stunning mountain views, it caters to both beginners and experienced skiers.
  • Abbaye de Boscodon: Located approximately 5 kilometers from Embrun, Abbaye de Boscodon is a charming medieval abbey nestled in the mountains. Visitors can explore the abbey's serene surroundings, admire its architecture, and learn about its rich history.
  • Musée de l'Aventure de la Vie: This small but fascinating museum is located in the center of Embrun and offers insights into the history and culture of the region. It showcases artifacts, photographs, and exhibits that depict the life and traditions of the Embrunais.
  • Fort de Mont-Dauphin: Situated about 20 kilometers from Embrun, Fort de Mont-Dauphin is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This 17th-century fortress was built by Vauban and offers a unique glimpse into the military architecture of the time.
  • Les Demoiselles Coiffées: A natural wonder located near the town of Embrun, Les Demoiselles Coiffées are unique geological formations formed by erosion. These tall, thin pillars of rock with balancing boulders on top create a surreal landscape that is worth visiting.
  • Saint-Michel Bay: Located on the edge of Lac de Serre-Ponçon, Saint-Michel Bay is a picturesque spot offering beautiful views of the lake and surrounding mountains. It's an ideal place for a leisurely walk, picnic, or simply enjoying the tranquility of nature.
  • Parc National des Écrins: Just a short drive from Embrun, the Parc National des Écrins is a vast national park known for its diverse flora and fauna, alpine landscapes, and hiking trails. Nature lovers can explore the park's scenic beauty and may even spot various wildlife species. 10. Gap: The town of Gap, approximately 35 kilometers from Embrun, is worth a visit. It offers a range of attractions including a historic city center, museums, shops, and restaurants, making it a great destination for a day trip or a bit of urban exploration.

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