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Pauline Calogero
12 Grande Rue


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Holiday Home 8 160 160 815 815 15




  • Reims Cathedral: Located in Reims, approximately 50 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier, Reims Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The cathedral is renowned for its stunning stained glass windows and historically significant role in the coronation of French kings.
  • Champagne Cellars in Epernay: Epernay is a charming town situated around 40 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier. It is famous for its prestigious Champagne houses, such as Moët & Chandon and Mercier. Visitors can explore the underground cellars, learn about the Champagne-making process, and indulge in tastings of the world-famous sparkling wine.
  • Verdun Memorial: Located around 70 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier, the Verdun Memorial commemorates the Battle of Verdun, one of the most significant battles of World War I. The museum houses an extensive collection of artifacts, displays, and documents, providing insight into the war's impact on the region and its significance in history.
  • Lac du Der-Chantecoq: Situated around 40 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier, Lac du Der-Chantecoq is the largest artificial lake in France. It offers picturesque landscapes, numerous water activities, and serves as an important bird sanctuary, attracting a wide variety of migratory birds.
  • Châlons-en-Champagne: This charming city, approximately 20 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier, is known for its beautiful architecture and historic sites. Highlights include the Saint-Étienne Cathedral, the Notre-Dame-en-Vaux Church (UNESCO World Heritage site), and the picturesque canals that run through the city.
  • Faux de Verzy: Located around 60 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier, the Faux de Verzy is a unique forest known for its twisted and contorted dwarf beech trees. Visitors can stroll through the enchanting forest and marvel at the fascinating shapes created by nature.
  • Château-Thierry: Situated approximately 60 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier, Château-Thierry is a charming town with a rich history. It is home to the ruins of a medieval castle, the Jean de La Fontaine Museum (dedicated to the famous French poet), and picturesque streets lined with half-timbered houses.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de la Montagne de Reims: Spanning across the Montagne de Reims region, this natural park is around 30 kilometers from Heiltz-le-hutier. It offers breathtaking landscapes, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor activities. The park is also renowned for its vineyards, which produce some of the finest Champagne wines. These are just a few of the many attractions near Heiltz-le-hutier, offering a variety of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for tourists to enjoy.