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Pascale Fieux
6 Route d'Arinthod
Marigna sur Valouse



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price from €275






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"Experience a peaceful retreat in our charming rural houses located within an old, historic building. The ground floor house features two spacious rooms accommodating up to six people, while the upper floor house offers a cozy single room suitable for a maximum of two guests. Surrounded by the picturesque beauty of the Little Mountain region (altitude 400 meters), our location invites you to explore numerous walking and mountain biking trails. Additionally, you can indulge in fishing or enjoy supervised swimming in nearby lakes such as Vouglans, Chalain, and Clairvaux. Our tranquil village, home to approximately a hundred residents, offers a serene atmosphere perfect for relaxation. Unwind in the small meadow complete with swings and garden furniture, or stay connected with amenities such as TV, microwave, and free WiFi access. Prices range from 210 to 335 euros per week, depending on the chosen room and time of stay."


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  • Château-Chalon: Located approximately 10 kilometers southeast of Marigna sur Valouse, Château-Chalon is a charming medieval village perched on a hilltop. It is famous for its stunning views of the surrounding vineyards and the Jura Mountains. Visitors can explore the picturesque streets, visit the 10th-century Saint-Pierre Church, and taste the renowned local wine, Vin Jaune.
  • Baume-les-Messieurs: Situated about 15 kilometers northeast of Marigna sur Valouse, Baume-les-Messieurs is a picturesque village nestled in a lush valley surrounded by towering cliffs. One of the highlights is the Abbey of Baume-les-Messieurs, a remarkable religious complex dating back to the 9th century. Visitors can also explore the charming streets, visit the waterfall, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and kayaking.
  • Cascades du Hérisson: Located around 30 kilometers north of Marigna sur Valouse, the Cascades du Hérisson is a series of stunning waterfalls cascading through a picturesque wooded valley. The waterfalls vary in height and offer breathtaking views. Visitors can hike along the well-marked trail that follows the waterfalls, passing by scenic viewpoints and picnic areas.
  • Poligny: Situated approximately 25 kilometers southwest of Marigna sur Valouse, Poligny is a historic town renowned for its cheese production, particularly Comté cheese. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit the Maison du Comté to learn about the cheese-making process, and indulge in cheese tastings. Poligny also boasts beautiful architecture and a lively market.
  • Lac de Vouglans: Located about 40 kilometers east of Marigna sur Valouse, Lac de Vouglans is a large artificial lake surrounded by beautiful landscapes. It offers numerous recreational activities, including swimming, boating, fishing, and hiking. The lake's turquoise waters and scenic beaches attract visitors seeking relaxation and outdoor adventures.
  • Arbois: Situated approximately 25 kilometers southwest of Marigna sur Valouse, Arbois is a charming town known as the birthplace of Louis Pasteur and for its wine production. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Pasteur Museum, and enjoy wine tastings at local wineries. The town also offers picturesque streets, traditional architecture, and a variety of restaurants and shops.
  • Salins-les-Bains: Located about 35 kilometers southwest of Marigna sur Valouse, Salins-les-Bains is a spa town famous for its saltworks. Visitors can tour the saltworks, which are UNESCO World Heritage sites, and learn about the history of salt production. The town also boasts a charming old town, a thermal spa, and the Grand Saltworks Museum. These tourist attractions near Marigna sur Valouse offer a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, cultural experiences, and gastronomic delights, making them worth exploring during your visit to the area.