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Roseline Chevé
Lieu-dit Benneville


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55





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Description for B&B:

Every bedroom is equipped with a private shower room that includes a shower, washbasin, toilet, and hairdryer. Additionally, each room is furnished with a TV featuring a CD/DVD player, as well as a kettle.

Description for Gite

Situated next to the main house, this charming gite spans approximately 80 m² and comfortably accommodates up to 5 individuals. Comprised of 5 well-appointed rooms, the gite offers a delightful living space on the ground floor, complete with a fully equipped American kitchen. Moving up to the first floor, you will find three inviting bedrooms (two for double occupancy and one for a single guest), along with a convenient shower room that includes a washing machine.


Appréciations pour Le Pont de Benneville, Cahagnes:

Charmante chambres d'hotes
Review by: Sandrine, Mar 18 2014 10:24AM
Si vous devez aller en Normandie, je vous conseille le Pont de Benneville. On est accueilli de façon royale. La décoration est super jolie et neuve! Notre hotesse est pleins de petites intentions (bouteilles d'eau, café, thé, petit chocolat ...etc). Le petit déjeuner est aussi royal : croissants, pain au chocolat, pain au raisins et la spécialité normande!!).
Très belle demeure. On y retournera ....

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To reach your destination, follow these travel directions:
If you are on the A84 Motorway, please take exit number 42.
If you are coming from Caen, head towards Cahagnes and then take the D54 road towards Aunay-sur-Odon.
If you are coming from Rennes/Le Mont St Michel, head towards Vire and then take the D54 road towards Caumont l'Eventé.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 55 compris
(3 pers.)
1 70 compris
Holiday Home 1 200 400 non


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Balleroy: Located in the nearby town of Balleroy, this stunning 17th-century château was designed by the famous architect François Mansart. It features beautiful gardens and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Bayeux Tapestry Museum: Situated in the town of Bayeux, this museum displays the world-famous Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Visitors can learn about this historic event through the intricate embroidery.
  • Omaha Beach: Around 30 kilometers from Benneville, Omaha Beach is one of the D-Day landing sites from World War II. This picturesque beach now serves as a memorial to the soldiers who fought there. Visitors can explore the nearby Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial as well.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Although it is slightly further away (approximately 120 kilometers), Mont Saint-Michel is an iconic tourist attraction in France. This medieval abbey is perched on a rocky island and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The stunning architecture and panoramic views make it a must-visit destination.
  • Caen Memorial Museum: Located in the city of Caen, this museum provides a comprehensive overview of World War II and the Battle of Normandy. It offers interactive exhibits, historical artifacts, and personal testimonies, making it a significant educational and memorial site.
  • Juno Beach Centre: Situated in Courseulles-sur-Mer, the Juno Beach Centre is a museum dedicated to the Canadian contributions during the D-Day landings. It provides visitors with a deeper understanding of the Canadian military history and the events that took place on Juno Beach.
  • William the Conqueror's Castle: In the heart of the city of Caen, visitors can explore the ruins of William the Conqueror's Castle. This medieval fortress offers a glimpse into the history of the region and provides panoramic views of the city.
  • Cerisy Forest: For nature enthusiasts, the Cerisy Forest is a serene and picturesque destination near Benneville. This forest offers walking trails, picnic spots, and the opportunity to observe local wildlife, providing a peaceful retreat from the bustling tourist attractions. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage and beauty of the region surrounding Benneville, France.

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