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Evelyne Giraudeau
Camping Naturiste Le Clos Barrat


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Price per week:

price from €315




Description for B&B:

Sylvie, Thierry, and their children extend a warm welcome to you, inviting you to explore the official website of our naturist campsite.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Apartment 2 38,20 71,50 267 500 non
Holiday Home 2 45,00 79,00 315 550 non


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie (20 km): A picturesque medieval village perched on a cliff overlooking the Lot River. It is considered one of the most beautiful villages in France, with its narrow streets, charming houses, and stunning views.
  • Cahors (25 km): The capital of the Lot department, Cahors is known for its impressive 14th-century fortified Valentré Bridge and the beautifully preserved old town. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Saint-Étienne Cathedral, and sample the famous local wine, Cahors Malbec.
  • Rocamadour (60 km): Built on a cliff in the Dordogne Valley, Rocamadour is a popular pilgrimage site and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its ancient buildings, including the Notre-Dame Chapel, cling to the rocks, offering breathtaking views and a sense of serenity.
  • Château de Bonaguil (35 km): This impressive castle is located near Fumel and is considered one of the most well-preserved feudal fortresses in France. Explore its towers, bastions, and defensive structures, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Pech Merle Cave (45 km): Discover prehistoric cave art in the Pech Merle Cave, located near Cabrerets. Marvel at the ancient paintings and engravings dating back over 20,000 years, depicting animals and human figures.
  • Montauban (55 km): Known for its distinctive pink-brick architecture, Montauban offers a charming historic center with beautiful squares, churches, and museums. Visit the Musée Ingres, dedicated to the works of the famous painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
  • Grottes de Lacave (70 km): Explore the stunning underground network of caves near Lacave. Take a guided tour to admire the impressive stalactites, stalagmites, and underground rivers, creating a magical and otherworldly experience.
  • Château de Biron (80 km): Located near the village of Biron, this medieval castle is a magnificent example of medieval architecture. Walk through its various rooms, towers, and courtyards, and enjoy panoramic views from its ramparts.
  • Agen (85 km): This vibrant city is known for its delicious prunes, which you can sample at the local markets. Explore the historic center, visit the Saint-Caprais Cathedral, and stroll along the Garonne River. 10. Toulouse (110 km): Although a bit farther, Toulouse is worth a visit. Known as "La Ville Rose" (The Pink City) due to its distinctive pink brick buildings, Toulouse offers an array of attractions, including the Basilica of Saint-Sernin, the Capitole de Toulouse, and the Cité de l'Espace (Space City).

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