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Pascale Martinat
St Thomin


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €120






Description for B&B:

We offer five spacious rooms for your stay:

1. Nuit d'Orient: This Moroccan-inspired suite features a 160 four-poster bed, a cozy lounge area with a television set around a chimney, and a children's alcove with bunk beds. The dominant color in this room is red.

2. Bali Moon: Inspired by Indonesia, this room takes you on a journey to Bali with a mix of bamboo, wood, and stones in the bathroom. The bed is in a canopy style, and the room includes a television set. The color scheme is green.

3. Coconight: This colonial suite spans 65m2 and features a 160 four-poster bed on a mezzanine level. The bathroom includes a shower and bathtub, with separate toilet facilities. The suite also boasts a lounge area with a television set.

4. Paradise: This Asian-inspired room offers a tranquil atmosphere with a 160 bed, a futon, and a spacious bathroom featuring a large Italian shower. The decor is characterized by raffia and bamboo in black and white colors.

5. Blue Lagoon: Step into the captain's cabin with a 160 bed, portholes, and navigation instruments. The bathroom is designed to resemble a lagoon, with a stone floor representing corals. Immerse yourself in the calming blue ambiance.

In addition to the rooms, we offer a private sauna available for booking. The sauna includes chromotherapy and aromatherapy for a personalized experience. Furthermore, indulge in our spa room dedicated to well-being, where we adjust the sauna intensity to your preferences. Lastly, enjoy a heated swimming pool located in a beautiful park setting.


Appréciations pour Le Domaine de Saint Thomin, Nostang:

Domaine de ST Thomin
Review by: Le Loch et Bordas, Mar 22 2009 4:05PM
Accueil des hôtes très chaleureux. Parfaite hygiène des chambres, salles d'eau et espace Spa-Sauna. Environnement du site magnifique, très agréable, calme, à deux pas de la forêt. Petit déjeuner copieux et restaurants de qualité, à proximité.
Week-end détente assuré!

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To reach your destination, follow these revised travel directions: Take the Gates Vannes / Lorient freeway and take the Brandérion / Nostang exit. Continue to the left on Nostang and before the red bridge, turn right onto the street of Morocco towards Tréauray. As you proceed, you will pass the chestnut grove on your right. Take the next right turn and immediately turn left at the green gate.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 120 190 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Carnac Stones: Located just 15 kilometers away from St Thomin, the Carnac Stones are a collection of ancient megalithic monuments. These prehistoric stones are believed to have been erected during the Neolithic period and attract visitors with their mystical and historical significance.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated around 20 kilometers from St Thomin, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning coastal landscapes. Visitors can enjoy beautiful sandy beaches, hiking trails, and water sports activities such as surfing and sailing.
  • Port-Louis Citadel: Found approximately 40 kilometers away, the Port-Louis Citadel is a historical fortress built in the 16th century. It offers a glimpse into the region's maritime heritage and houses a museum with exhibits related to naval history, piracy, and local culture.
  • Belle-Île-en-Mer: Located a short ferry ride from Quiberon, Belle-Île-en-Mer is the largest island off the coast of Brittany. With its picturesque cliffs, charming villages, and sandy beaches, it is a haven for nature lovers and artists seeking inspiration.
  • Vannes: Situated about 30 kilometers from St Thomin, Vannes is a medieval town known for its well-preserved city walls and cobblestone streets. Highlights include the Vannes Cathedral, the Château de l'Hermine, and the charming old town with its vibrant markets and shops.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: This stunning natural wonder is just a short drive from St Thomin. The Gulf of Morbihan is a vast inland sea dotted with numerous islands and islets. Visitors can explore the area by boat, kayak, or by hiking along the coastal paths, enjoying breathtaking views and abundant wildlife.
  • Pont-Aven: Situated around 40 kilometers away, Pont-Aven is a charming riverside town known for its association with renowned artists such as Paul Gauguin. Visitors can explore art galleries, visit Gauguin's former residence, and enjoy the picturesque scenery along the Aven River.
  • La Trinité-sur-Mer: Located approximately 25 kilometers from St Thomin, La Trinité-sur-Mer is a picturesque seaside town known for its sailing regattas and marinas. It offers beautiful beaches, coastal walks, and a lively atmosphere during the summer months.
  • Hennebont: Situated about 40 kilometers away, Hennebont is a medieval town with a rich history. Visitors can explore its well-preserved ramparts, visit the Basilica of Notre-Dame-du-Paradis, and wander through the charming old town with its timber-framed houses. 10. Lorient: Found approximately 45 kilometers from St Thomin, Lorient is a vibrant port city with a maritime heritage. It offers a variety of attractions, including the Cité de la Voile Eric Tabarly, the submarine base museum, and the Festival Interceltique de Lorient, which celebrates Celtic culture.

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