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Rachel Bayle
310 Chemin du Stade


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Price per night:

price from €95


09 60 07 55 91


06 88 49 99 99


Description for B&B:

We offer three guest rooms, each with a unique theme, perfect for two people. Each room has its own independent access and is equipped with a flat screen TV, dressing gowns, and toiletry products for your ultimate comfort.

The Vercors guest room provides a stunning view of the "Massif du Vercors" and creates a warm and cozy chalet mountain atmosphere. With a spacious area of 28m², including a bathroom and separate toilet, it features a comfortable 160 x 200cm bed. The bathroom is equipped with a bath/shower, hairdryer, toiletry kit, dressing gowns, and a flat screen TV.

For those who appreciate a touch of elegance, the Baroque guest room also offers a view of the "Massif du Vercors." With a size of 28m², including a bathroom and separate toilet, it boasts a charming Baroque theme. The room is furnished with a 160 x 200cm bed and provides a bathroom with a bath/shower, hairdryer, toiletry kit, dressing gowns, and a flat screen TV.

Experience the Mediterranean ambiance in the Oriental guest room, which overlooks the nearby village of "Allex." With an area of 28m², including a bathroom and separate toilet, this room can accommodate a 160 x 200cm bed or two 90 x 200cm beds. The bathroom features a spacious walk-in shower for two, a hairdryer, toiletry kit, dressing gowns, and a flat screen TV.

During your stay, unwind by taking advantage of our swimming pool (available in the summer) and its accompanying garden furniture. Guests also have access to a fully equipped kitchen. Furthermore, an internet connection is available in the breakfast room, and we provide a closed car park for your convenience.


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To get to your destination, take the A7 highway and exit at Loriol. Then, follow the D104 road towards Crest for approximately 10 kilometers. When you reach the roundabout in Grâne, take the exit that leads to Crest. After traveling 150 meters, turn left onto the first road. You will find the second house on the right at the bend.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 95 105 20€ oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


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