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Muriel Tiberghien
Saint Paul de Mamiac


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Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

I provide uniquely themed rooms, each with its own distinct ambiance. One room will transport you to the charming landscapes of Italy, while the other immerses you in the vibrant culture of Africa. Additionally, there is a special room dedicated to love, perfect for couples seeking a romantic getaway.

All of our rooms offer independent access for your convenience. Each room is spacious, measuring at least 12 m², and features brand new bedding measuring 160 x 200. The toilet is separate from the main room. Two of the rooms offer a private bathroom equipped with a shower and sink. As for the third room, it boasts a luxurious bath designed for two, providing the ultimate relaxation experience.

Description for Gite

The gîte was established in July 2014 and offers an ideal accommodation for two individuals with a spacious area of 38 m². Additionally, it boasts a charming private garden exclusively for guests to enjoy.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 75 406 525
(3 pers.)
1 65 75 406 525 20
Holiday Home 1 42 44 280 400


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Penne: Located in the heart of Penne, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the Aveyron Valley. Explore the well-preserved ruins, admire the architecture, and learn about the castle's rich history.
  • Gorges de l'Aveyron: Just a short drive from Saint Paul de Mamiac, the Aveyron Gorges are a natural wonder. Take a scenic hike along the river, go canoeing or kayaking, and enjoy the picturesque landscapes filled with cliffs, waterfalls, and lush greenery.
  • Bruniquel: This charming village is known for its two medieval castles, Château de Bruniquel and Château Vieux. Wander the narrow streets, visit the local shops, and soak up the medieval atmosphere. Don't miss the stunning panoramic views from the castles.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: Often referred to as "Cordes in the Sky," this hilltop village is a true gem. Stroll through the cobblestone streets lined with beautiful Gothic buildings, visit the art galleries, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Albi: Located on the banks of the Tarn River, Albi is famous for its impressive Cathedral Sainte-Cécile. Explore the medieval Old Town, visit the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum to admire the works of the famous painter, and take a stroll along the riverfront.
  • Puycelsi: Another picturesque hilltop village near Saint Paul de Mamiac, Puycelsi offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Discover its medieval architecture, visit the Church of Saint-Corneille, and take in the panoramic views of the rolling countryside.
  • Najac: This medieval village is dominated by its impressive fortress, Château de Najac. Explore the well-preserved castle, wander through the charming streets, and enjoy the medieval ambiance. The village is also known for its lively Sunday market.
  • Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val: Situated on the banks of the Aveyron River, this historic town is renowned for its medieval architecture and picturesque streets. Visit the stunning town hall, explore the underground caves, and enjoy outdoor activities like canoeing and rock climbing.
  • Penne Forest: Nature enthusiasts will love the Penne Forest, located near the village. This vast woodland offers numerous hiking trails, perfect for exploring the local flora and fauna. Enjoy a picnic in the peaceful surroundings or simply relax amidst nature. 10. Monestiés: This charming village is known for its half-timbered houses and narrow streets. Explore the medieval center, visit the Church of Saint-Jacques, and admire the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the Belvédère viewpoint. These attractions near Saint Paul de Mamiac offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring a memorable visit to the region.

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