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route de lizarrieta, , ttakoinenborda



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €67






Description for B&B:

TTakoinenborda is a charming Basque farmhouse that dates back to the seventeenth century. Nestled on the banks of a river, it is surrounded by lush greenfields and towering trees. Inside, the farmhouse exudes an old-world charm with its stone and wood elements, adorned with numerous paintings that depict the rich history of our ancestors.

The location of TTakoinenborda is truly ideal, as it sits between the picturesque ST Jean de Luz beach just 15 kilometers away, and the enchanting land of Spain a mere 2 kilometers away. Additionally, the legendary mountain of LA RHUNE provides a majestic backdrop to the village of SARE, which is a quintessential representation of the idyllic Basque countryside.

At TTakoinenborda, our guests are treated to the finest Basque delicacies, accompanied by our homemade bread.


Appréciations pour Ttakoinenborda, sare:

Review by: alain clement-triaut, Oct 21 2022 1:13PM
c'est tellement sympa..que toujours complel..dommage et amitiés

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To reach Sare Caves, follow the directions as follows: After heading south on Sare Road, continue for 800 meters until you reach the intersection with D306. Turn left onto D306 and continue for approximately 2 kilometers. Once you reach the next intersection, take a left turn at the sign that says "Ttakoinenborda."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 67 67 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 80 OUI




  • La Rhune Mountain: Located near Sare, La Rhune is a majestic peak in the Pyrenees offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can hike or take a scenic train ride to the summit, where a small restaurant awaits.
  • Sare Village: Immerse yourself in Basque culture by exploring the charming village of Sare. Known for its traditional Basque architecture, narrow streets, and picturesque houses, Sare offers a glimpse into the region's rich heritage.
  • Ainhoa Village: Just a short drive from Sare, Ainhoa is another beautiful Basque village worth exploring. With its well-preserved architecture, including half-timbered houses and a stunning church, Ainhoa is a delight for history and culture enthusiasts.
  • Les Grottes de Sare: Delve into the underground wonders of Les Grottes de Sare. These caves are home to an impressive array of stalagmites and stalactites that have formed over millions of years. Guided tours are available to explore this fascinating natural attraction.
  • Biarritz: Located on the coast, Biarritz is a popular seaside resort known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant surfing scene, and elegant architecture. Enjoy sunbathing, surfing, exploring the city's history, or indulging in delicious Basque cuisine.
  • Bayonne: Just a short distance from Sare, Bayonne is a charming city renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage. Explore the city's well-preserved medieval fortifications, visit the stunning Bayonne Cathedral, and wander through its lively streets filled with shops and cafés.
  • Saint-Jean-de-Luz: This picturesque coastal town is known for its beautiful sandy beaches, historic architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. Visit the charming fishing port, enjoy fresh seafood, or simply relax by the sea.
  • Hendaye: Situated on the border with Spain, Hendaye offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions. Enjoy its long sandy beach, explore the Château d'Abbadia, or take a walk along the scenic coastal path.
  • Espelette: Famous for its vibrant red peppers, Espelette is a small village that exudes charm and tradition. Explore the picturesque streets lined with red pepper garlands, visit the pepper museum, and taste local Basque delicacies. 10. La Bastide-Clairence: Known as one of the most beautiful villages in France, La Bastide-Clairence is a hidden gem of the Basque Country. Wander through its medieval streets, admire the well-preserved architecture, and visit local artisans' workshops.

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