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Christian Drouen
5 Chemin Des Terrois


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Price per night:

price from €90




Description for B&B:

Escape and unwind in the enchanting Côte Fleurie, just a short distance from the mesmerizing sea and lush forest. Positioned perfectly between the captivating towns of Deauville and Honfleur, you will find yourself in an ideal location for your memorable excursions. Villerville, known for its charming character, has been proudly recognized as the ninth favorite village of the French in 2021.


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1 90 95




  • Villerville Beach: Located just steps away from your address, Villerville Beach offers a picturesque sandy shoreline along the English Channel. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and taking leisurely walks along the promenade.
  • Villerville Lighthouse: Situated at the entrance of the harbor, the Villerville Lighthouse stands tall as a historic landmark. Visitors can climb to the top for panoramic views of the coast and learn about the lighthouse's significance in maritime history.
  • Honfleur: A charming harbor town located approximately 8 kilometers from Villerville, Honfleur is known for its picturesque harbor, colorful buildings, and art scene. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy fresh seafood in waterfront restaurants.
  • Deauville: A popular seaside resort town situated around 15 kilometers away, Deauville offers a range of attractions. Known for its glamorous atmosphere, Deauville features a beautiful beach, a famous boardwalk, luxury boutiques, a casino, and a horse racing track.
  • Trouville-sur-Mer: Adjacent to Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer is another delightful beach destination. This charming town offers a lovely sandy beach, a lively fish market, waterfront restaurants, and a historic promenade lined with elegant 19th-century villas.
  • Calvados Distilleries: In the region of Normandy, you can find several renowned Calvados distilleries. These distilleries offer guided tours where visitors can learn about the production process of this traditional apple brandy and enjoy tastings.
  • Etretat Cliffs: Approximately 65 kilometers away from Villerville, the famous Etretat Cliffs are a must-visit natural attraction. The towering chalk cliffs form stunning arches and needle-like formations that have inspired numerous artists throughout history.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located around 160 kilometers from Villerville, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey sits atop a rocky island and is surrounded by a picturesque village, creating a truly enchanting sight.
  • Caen Memorial Museum: Situated in the city of Caen, about 40 kilometers from Villerville, the Caen Memorial Museum is a significant historical attraction. It provides a comprehensive insight into World War II and the D-Day landings, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts. 10. Bayeux Tapestry: Located approximately 60 kilometers away, the Bayeux Tapestry is a remarkable 11th-century embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. This historical masterpiece is displayed in the Bayeux Museum and offers a fascinating glimpse into medieval times.

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