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La Barésie


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price from €60






Description for B&B:

Greetings and a warm welcome!

After honing my skills in preparing cassoulet and paella in the Marseille region for over 15 years, my wife and I discovered the beauty of CANTAL.

Through extensive research and dedicated efforts, we have now established ourselves in the charming village of Mourjou, nestled among chestnut trees. Our decision to settle here was driven by a desire to escape the bustling city life and embrace the tranquility of this region.

We take immense pleasure in inviting you to our esteemed establishment, where you will have the opportunity to savor the finest regional delicacies such as pounti, Cantal cheese, and tripe. Moreover, our menu also features a delectable array of specialties, including the renowned cassoulet and paella.

Once again, we extend our warmest welcome and look forward to providing you with an unforgettable dining experience highlighting the flavors of the region.


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1 60 25 OUI


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  • Conques Abbey: Located approximately 15 km southeast of La Barésie, Conques Abbey is a picturesque medieval pilgrimage site known for its Romanesque architecture and stunning stained glass windows. It houses the relics of Sainte Foy and offers a fascinating insight into religious history.
  • Figeac: Situated around 30 km northwest of La Barésie, Figeac is a charming town with a rich heritage. Explore its medieval streets, visit the Champollion Museum dedicated to the decipherment of hieroglyphs, and admire the Gothic architecture of the Church of Saint-Sauveur.
  • Puy Mary: Located around 40 km southwest of La Barésie, Puy Mary is the highest peak in the Massif Central mountain range. This natural attraction offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, making it a popular spot for hiking, picnicking, and photography.
  • Salers: Situated approximately 45 km southwest of La Barésie, Salers is a medieval village known for its well-preserved architecture and its famous Salers breed of cows. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Saint-Mathieu Church, and enjoy the local cheese and cuisine.
  • Château de Val: Located around 50 km northeast of La Barésie, the Château de Val is a picturesque castle situated on the shores of Lake Bort-les-Orgues. This 15th-century fortress offers guided tours and provides a glimpse into the region's medieval history.
  • Lac de Saint-Étienne-Cantalès: Situated approximately 40 km east of La Barésie, this beautiful lake offers a variety of recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, and hiking around the lake's scenic trails.
  • Monts du Cantal: Located around 50 km southeast of La Barésie, the Monts du Cantal is a stunning mountain range offering breathtaking vistas, challenging hiking trails, and opportunities for winter sports during the snowy season.
  • Viaduc de Garabit: Situated approximately 60 km northeast of La Barésie, the Viaduc de Garabit is an iconic railway bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel. This impressive structure spans the Truyère River and offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Murat: Located around 60 km southeast of La Barésie, Murat is a historic town known for its medieval architecture and its role as a starting point for hiking in the Monts du Cantal. Visit the Saint-Pierre Church and explore the charming shops and cafes in the town center. 10. Château d'Anjony: Situated approximately 70 km east of La Barésie, the Château d'Anjony is a well-preserved medieval fortress with a moat, towers, and a beautiful courtyard. Guided tours are available, allowing visitors to delve into its fascinating history.

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