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Cedric Torne
6b Rue du Capitaine Bages


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Price per night:

price from €65





Description for Gite

Rent this charming studio for your stay in Marseillan, Languedoc. Whether you need accommodation for just one night, a weekend getaway, or a whole week, the Captains Cabin is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Conveniently located just steps away from the port and the Thau lagoon, and a short bike ride away from the beach, you can experience the true essence of Mediterranean living in this beautifully renovated home by an architect.

The studio comfortably sleeps 2 people, with an additional extra sleeping option measuring 65x190. It features a bathroom with a toilet, a fully equipped kitchen with an electric hob and fridge, and a reliable Wifi connection. To make your stay even more comfortable, we provide bed linen and bath towels.

- 1 night: 65 euros
- 2 nights: 120 euros
- 6 nights: 350 euros

Don't miss out on the opportunity to stay in this delightful studio in Marseillan. Book your stay now and enjoy a memorable experience in the heart of Languedoc.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 65 non
Holiday Home 1 65 65 non




  • Marseillan Plage: Located just a short distance from your address, Marseillan Plage is a popular beach resort offering pristine sandy beaches, clear waters, and a vibrant seaside atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, water sports, and beachfront dining.
  • Noilly Prat Vermouth Cellars: Situated in the nearby town of Marseillan, the Noilly Prat Vermouth Cellars offer guided tours that take you through the fascinating history and production process of this renowned French vermouth. Visitors can explore the cellars, learn about the aging and blending techniques, and enjoy tastings of their delicious vermouth.
  • Fort de Brescou: Located off the coast of Marseillan, the Fort de Brescou is a historic fortress built in the 16th century to protect the region from pirate attacks. Visitors can take boat trips to the island and explore the fortress, enjoying breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and learning about its intriguing history.
  • Étang de Thau: Situated just north of Marseillan, Étang de Thau is a large saltwater lagoon known for its oyster and mussel farms. Visitors can take boat tours or walk along the shores to witness the farming techniques and taste fresh seafood delicacies. The lagoon also offers picturesque views and is a great spot for birdwatching.
  • Agde: Located approximately 10 kilometers away, Agde is an ancient town with a rich history dating back to Greek and Roman times. The town features a charming old quarter with narrow streets, medieval buildings, and the impressive 12th-century Cathedral of Saint Stephen. Visitors can explore the town's history, visit museums, and enjoy its lively atmosphere.
  • Pézenas: Situated about 20 kilometers from Marseillan, Pézenas is a picturesque town known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and its association with French playwright Molière. Visitors can wander through the old town's cobbled streets, visit artisan shops, explore the Molière Museum, and enjoy the town's vibrant arts and crafts scene.
  • Montpellier: Located approximately 50 kilometers away, Montpellier is a vibrant city known for its historic center, lively atmosphere, and prestigious universities. Visitors can explore the charming medieval streets, visit the stunning Place de la Comédie, discover the impressive Montpellier Cathedral, and enjoy the city's numerous cultural and artistic offerings.
  • Sète: Situated about 20 kilometers from Marseillan, Sète is a bustling coastal town known as the "Venice of Languedoc" due to its network of canals. Visitors can stroll along the canals, visit the vibrant fish market, explore the old town's narrow streets, and relax on the sandy beaches. Sète is also renowned for its lively cultural events and festivals.

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