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Elisabeth Bultheel
Lieu dit Grill
Saint Sardos



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Price per week:

price from €550






Description for Gite

This fully equipped cottage spans 130 sqm and offers a comfortable dining room and a cozy TV lounge. It features a bedroom with a 140/190 bed and another bedroom with two 90/140 beds. The bathroom includes a bathtub and a shower, while a separate toilet is also available. The kitchen is equipped with a refrigerator, pyrolysis oven, gas stove, microwave, and a dining table with 4 chairs. The cottage also includes a laundry room with a washing machine, dryer, iron, ironing board, and vacuum cleaner. Outside, there is a terrace with a table and four chairs, as well as a swimming pool with 4 loungers. A barbecue and garage are also provided. Linens for the garden are included without any additional charge.


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To reach the guesthouse, follow the Villeneuve lot - Aiguillon D 911 road. Once you pass the temple, continue for 5 km and then take a left towards Saint Sardos. Drive for 2 km and you will find the guesthouse on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 550 650


Swimming Pool


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  • Agen: Agen is a historic town situated about 18 kilometers from Saint Sardos. It is famous for its picturesque old town, charming streets, and beautiful Renaissance and medieval buildings. Don't miss visiting the Saint-Caprais Cathedral and the Canal Bridge, which is one of the oldest and longest navigable aqueducts in the world.
  • Moissac Abbey: Situated approximately 29 kilometers from Saint Sardos, Moissac Abbey is a Benedictine monastery dating back to the 7th century. The abbey is known for its stunning Romanesque architecture, particularly its impressive cloisters adorned with intricate sculptures.
  • Pont-Canal de Montech: Located in the town of Montech, about 30 kilometers from Saint Sardos, the Pont-Canal de Montech is a fascinating engineering marvel. It is a canal bridge that allows boats to cross the River Tarn. Visitors can witness boats sailing above the river on this unique structure.
  • Walibi Sud-Ouest: Situated in Roquefort, around 35 kilometers from Saint Sardos, Walibi Sud-Ouest is a popular amusement park. It offers a wide range of thrilling rides, water slides, and entertainment shows suitable for visitors of all ages, making it a great family-friendly attraction.
  • Château de Gavaudun: Located in the town of Gavaudun, approximately 40 kilometers from Saint Sardos, Château de Gavaudun is a well-preserved medieval castle. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and provides a glimpse into the region's rich history.
  • Musée du Foie Gras: Situated in Frespech, about 45 kilometers from Saint Sardos, Musée du Foie Gras is a museum dedicated to the traditional delicacy of foie gras. Visitors can learn about the production process, history, and cultural significance of this renowned French gastronomic specialty.
  • Château de Duras: Located in the town of Duras, approximately 48 kilometers from Saint Sardos, Château de Duras is a magnificent 12th-century castle. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its impressive interiors, picturesque gardens, and enjoy panoramic views from its towers. These attractions near Lieu dit Grill, Saint Sardos, France, offer a mix of historical, cultural, and recreational experiences, ensuring there is something enjoyable for every visitor.

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